A Father's Gift (2)

"AH!" Ashton woke up with a start, panting as if he had finished a marathon, "Was it just a dream?"

No matter how much Ashton wanted it to be a dream, he knew what he had gone through couldn't possibly be a fabrication of his mind. He had fought and killed his father or whatever was left of him either way. 

"Wait... what is this place?" 

Ashton hadn't noticed where he was as he was busy debating whether he had killed his father or not. But now that he looked around, he could say with certainty that he wasn't anywhere in Fright City. The place was too damn beautiful to belong to Earth.

The scenery reminded him of the place his mind went to after Astaroth saved him from killing himself onboard the Endearing while protecting Eula. 

"Oi Astaroth, is this you doing?" Ashton yelled, "I swear I'll kill you if you dare play tricks on me! Oi! Can you hear me-"