This Is Business

While the Ghosts were preoccupied in the Tower, quite an exciting scene was developing on Earth. The vampires and the werewolves were face to face with the wealthiest group of merchants operating in the galaxy for the first time in their lifetime, and it wasn't anything they had expected.

Otiga and Ricochet immediately recognised them by the massive logo on their ships. The symbol represented the solar system the merchants were based in. It was also a precautionary measure against being attacked by rogue organisations and to signify their power. 

Upon realising a crowd had gathered in front, a group of people disembarked from the spaceship, led by a seven-foot tall cannonball-lookalike alien. The merchants wore expensive clothing, unlike anything the earthlings had seen before. 

One could say the grandiose clothes made them appear as if they were angels sent to Earth by god to serve them and make the planet a better place.