Gangster Of Econium (1)

After a few days of practice, Shian began to notice a difference. He could hold his focus for extended periods, and his powers were becoming more predictable. 

However, Rodrick refused to accept defeat. He would pop up once in a while and relentlessly attack Ashton as if everything was his fault. Had Ashton not interfered, Rodrick would have slowly assumed control over Shian's body like a parasite.

To counter the raging moron, Ashton started introducing more advanced exercises, such as involving his summons to tame Shian's rogue side. At first, Shian's opponents were Celeste, Gokung and Sven, as they could control their strength while keeping Shian or Rodrick in check. 

The progress was slow, but it was steady. Shian's control improved bit by bit, and he was able to channel his powers with more precision. But there were setbacks too. Sometimes Shian's emotions would get the best of him, and his abilities would spiral out of control.