A Battle To Remember For Centuries! (1)

Meanwhile, on the other side of the courtroom...

The courtroom fell into a tense silence as the Priest slowly rose to his feet, his laughter echoing through the air. His charred form, battered and broken, seemed to exude an aura of malice.

"This isn't the end for me," the Priest sneered, his voice dripping with venom. "It's the end for all of you."

"Did the thought of looming defeat screw your brain?" Ashton scoffed. But he noticed something weird.

The Priest's twisted grin widened as he brandished an odd-looking whistle, its design imbued with ancient symbols and etchings. He raised it to his lips and blew with eerie precision, releasing a haunting melody that echoed through the courtroom.

"This is the end of you... bastard." the Priest mumbled and resumed laughing like a maniac.