The Next Step (3)


Vampire Skill: [Skill Absorption] activated. Attempting to absorb the skill [Past-sight] from the prey.

Required gene to learn the skill: Precursor gene.

Genes present in the host's body. Proceeding with absorption.

Due to the inefficiency of [Skill Absorption], only partial absorption could happen. As a result, the active skill [Past-sight (lvl 30)] has been turned into an active skill [Memory Reading (lvl 20)].

(Note: The user is recommended to upgrade [Skill Absorption] as soon as possible.)


"Huh... it's been a while since I saw this notification," Ashton rubbed his eyes as soon as he woke up. "Couple with that... it took over 20 hours to absorb this skill... that's a first."

As Ashton lay there, the visions of Shiva and Arnold still lingering in his mind, he couldn't shake off the sense of awe they invoked.