Progenitors Arrive

"I don't like it when you faint," Anna said while showering.

"Says the bitch who keeps drinking my blood," Ashton laughed, looking at the mirror as water dripped from his hair, tracing his muscles.

Anna and Ashton were used to taking baths together and also made it Anna's feeding time as it was easier to wash off the blood in the shower. 

"I'm not joking, Ash!" Anna ripped apart the holographic curtain as Ashton said those words. "You need to take your health more seriously!"

"I'm sorry... but to read someone's memory, my conscious needs to leave my body, and hence I collapse," Ashton mumbled, enjoying the sight before him for the thousandth time. "Believe me, it's nothing serious!"

"I know, but it still worries me," Anna sighed, wrapping a towel around her body before stepping closer to Ashton. "You've been pushing yourself so hard lately, using god knows how many abilities without a worry about the toll it takes on your body."