Addition (1)

In the silent courtyard of the Eastern Palace, two werewolf workers named Wally and Wylie were engrossed in a heated debate. 

They stood on a platform, gesturing wildly and furiously arguing over the placement of a decorative statue.

"No, no, Wylie! The statue should face the east to catch the morning sunlight!" Wally exclaimed, his paws waving emphatically.

"Wally, my friend, you're mistaken as usual." Wylie shook his furry head. "It should face the west to bask in the golden hues of the sunset!"

Their argument was reaching a fever pitch when, out of nowhere, a swirling portal materialised right in the centre of the courtyard. 

Before the bewildered werewolves could react, Ashton's spaceship shot out of the portal with a resounding whoosh, causing a gust of wind, nearly knocking Wally and Wylie off their wobbly platform.

"Whoa!" Wally yelped, flailing his arms to maintain his balance.