You Messed With The Wrong Man (1)

The room was a hive of activity as Rea oversaw the final preparations for Ashton's lie detection test. Xyrans moved efficiently, setting up intricate systems and ensuring every detail was in place. 

Rea, her expression stern, coordinated the efforts with military precision. Her eyes, sharp and calculating, surveyed the room as Xyran technicians fine-tuned the lie detection equipment. 

Unlike the rest of them, Rea was on a mission to prove Ashton was wrong and then make him pay the price for making up lies and defaming the Xyran lords. 

Besides, she knew the chaos Ashton could bring to the Xyrans from his allegations and wanted to stop it at all costs. While lost in her thoughts, the attendant informed her of Ashton's arrival and instructed him to be brought inside. 

Ashton entered the room, his gaze meeting Rea's cold stare. The atmosphere crackled with unspoken tension as they locked eyes.