war part II

-in soconusco-

Tlacatecatl: "Huey tlatoani, we have conquered and everything is going according to plan, but ..."

Ahuízotl: "Hmm, what can happen, we are the strongest warrior race, in a few months we will completely win the Tututepec kingdom of King Cosijoeza II, he is already too old to rule, this is our opportunity, tell me what worries you. "

Tlacatecatl: "Huey Tlatoani, the spies have discovered that in the Guiengola River, many people have been building fortifications, and traps, that is what worries me."

Ahuízotl: "Calm, he has few troops."

-Rey Cosijoeza II-

While running, I heard reports from my spies, that the Aztec warriors were already close to the fortress that I ordered to build, even with superhuman strength, have the opportunity to live longer than ordinary people, I am still not strong enough to To destroy the Mexica empire, taking the people of the Mixtec king, we have traveled great distances, but I do not know if the fortress will resist the attack of the Aztecs.

-someone goal-

The battle and the war had already started, the river was lighter in color, had been dyed red, and the warriors on both sides killed each other, they had been at war for several days and suddenly King Cosijoeza II appeared with an Army that the naked eye could not see, but their costumes and some weapons of the Zapotec and Mixtec culture.

The soldiers in the fortress rejoice, taking days of war, and losing friends and family, they have lost a lot, not seeing their king return, they were losing hope, and despair covers them and consumes them.

They were thinking of declaring defeat and surrender but seeing their king return, with reinforcements that were allies, their morale rose, their confused thoughts wanted revenge, making this enemy that had destroyed three cities, has arrived. to the center of the kingdom, that at any time this kingdom can be annexed.

When hatred, anger, helplessness, sadness, despair, fear, all these feelings mix, it feels like falling into the same abyss, falling as far as light cannot penetrate, your king arrives like a savior arriving with an army, give a relief, a respite.

Their king arrives with the aid army, and a massacre begins, the Aztec warriors have been attacking the fortress for several days, and the logistics are not very efficient due to the lack of animals that can serve to reduce time, in addition to the roads that are not in good condition. state of maintenance makes it difficult to transport food, medicine, as well as new weapons.

They were completely defeated, King Cosijoeza II was happy, and his alliance with Mixtec helped turn defeat into victory.

The Mixtec king was worried at first, but after seeing this battle that was an overwhelming victory, he felt relieved, even happy about this victory, he also strengthened his decision of this alliance to stop and face the most powerful power he knows and that is the empire. mexica.

Ahuízotl, the Huey tlatoani, ruler of many vassal states, recognized by the priests, leader of innumerable battles, conqueror of dozens of cities, he felt sad, but also of rage and hatred, his great ruler could not defeat a small kingdom, where his king is very old, he also realized, that the fortress was not his last desperate attempt to remain or wear down the Aztec warriors, but rather that it was to delay and confuse his decision, cloud of his previous victory, reunite an ally, bringing allied troops and reinforcements, in addition to sneaking attack when all his warriors were at their worst, powerless, he decides to retreat to save his life.

Since falling in a battle would make the vassal states distrust their leader, the warriors would lose their faith, and his family would be in serious trouble, deciding he gave an order.

Swearing that he would get revenge again.

Tlacatecatl I am a great general Tlacochcálcatl, but the strategy of King Cosijoeza II is worthy of admiration, but it is much shameful and weak king who resorts to alliances, sneak attacks, and a clear investigation of a Huey tlatoani, a ruler that his pride and contempt In addition to its glorious past it has put.

Wars have occurred for seven months, but in the end, the Huey tlatoani asks for peace with a marriage, accepting the war ends.


-host, the war is over

I had previously asked him to inform me when this war was over.

Jjjaa is good, now just wait like this is the mentality of my father after losing, and see what fate will be for my older sister.


Capital of the Mexica empire, one of the most advanced cities of its time, with universities, cleaner than the capitals of the European kingdoms, African kingdoms, and even some Asian cities, its distribution of water, its large important temples such as the Pyramid of Teotihuacán, is One of the most important metropolitan areas on the continent is the temple complex where the imperial family of the Mexica empire lives.

In a room of the temple, the family of 4 met.

Where there is an old man, but full of health in a chair similar to a throne, in front is a middle-aged woman, with a determination that shows on her face, and next to him is an older woman who is holding a child with a face of motherly love, also holding a child who was about two years old.

Talking began this family that seemed important and serious.

Ahuízotl: "As I mentioned a moment ago, you can choose to marry that king, I am not forcing you."

Xilavela: "Calm royal father, I want to marry a man who can defeat you, and not only in a one-on-one fight but also in intelligence and be able to stop you.

Ahuízotl: "But you're listening, I didn't lose, he just cheated, at least worry about your father."

Xilavela: "Royal father, I have respect for being the Huey tlatoani of the Mexica empire, but you must accept that he lost, and I have decided to marry."

I show a happy face, with the approval of my older sister, while my current mother, who most of the time does not like to express her opinion.

Daniel: "ha ha."

My mother just smiles at my answer.

My father puts on a sullen face since he feels that this heir is not very cooperative, but thinking it is his future and that he will have to be disciplined, it passes him.

In the end, my father accepted this marriage, and the next year will also be a year of great progress.