Chapter 3: When he remembers

"Errik?" Veretta knocked at his door.

It was early morning and he had not come out of the room. This time, she had checked with her grandmother first and was certain he was still there. However, despite her knock, there was no reply. Veretta let out a sigh. She wondered what had disturbed him so much. Was it learning the fate of his country?

Veretta pivoted on her heels. He would come out eventually. He didn't seem inclined to disappear, at least not yet. So maybe it was best to leave him to it? Veretta emerged back in the kitchen at her grandmother's side.

"He's still asleep?" her grandmother questioned.

"So it seems," Veretta answered.

"Veretta," her grandmother said in a low voice, "I hope you have not done or said something foolish to agitate him,"

"No, of course not," Veretta laughed.

"He seems..." her grandmother paused, "He seems to be a very sad child. You must give him time to recover without harassing him," she said after some reflection.

Veretta glanced at her grandmother. Sad? Him? Veretta considered the past few days. To her recollection, she could see very little sadness in his manner or demeanour. Though when he would stare with those cold unchanging eyes, it was quite hard to tell.

"Are you listening, Veretta?" her grandmother added, "I know you like to be helpful, but sometimes people who have great pain prefer to be left alone. You might things worse if you go charging in as you usually do,"

"I won't," Veretta chuckled. Her grandmother knew her too well. But this time, there was no chance of that. He wasn't there to be her friend. He was someone whose life was shrouded in such darkness that people remembered it long after his death. She didn't call upon him to be a friend. She called upon him because he was wicked. And it was wickedness that was needed to conquer the approaching darkness.

Even though her grandmother continued, as usual, the village was altogether too quiet. The people must have been afraid. They knew what was coming but they had no way to fight it. The village was not simply sleeping, it was hiding under a layer of snow. Hoping dearly the storm would pass.

Veretta knew this was not the case.

At that moment, a loud knock came at the door. Veretta jumped startled. She inhaled sharply and went to the door. She glanced back at her grandmother who was staring ahead with fearful eyes. Veretta gave a weak smile and turned the latch.

"VERETTA!" Came a loud boisterous voice.

A pair of arms followed and wrapped around Veretta's neck.

"Where have you been?"

Veretta stared down at the wide blue eyes staring up at her childishly.

"Tomas?" Veretta smiled.

A short blonde-headed child with wild curly hair smiled widely at her. Behind him, a tall and thin girl gave an embarrassed smile.

"You as well, Charlotte?" Veretta laughed cheerfully.

"I'm sorry to come unannounced," Charlotte swept a strand of her red hair behind her ears. Her face reddened slightly and her black eyes dipped apologetically.

"Come in out of the cold," Veretta invited them inside.

"Goodness," Veretta's grandmother cast an eye down from head to toe of the snow worn cloaks.

"What in the world are you two doing here?" Veretta laughed.

"We came because..." Charlotte began to answer timidly.

"It's because you just disappeared without us!" Tomas interrupted in his eager manner.

"No," Charlotte said reproachfully, "we came because we were worried. Master Rius said you left after having a fight with the head wizard. Is that true Veretta?"

"Ah," Veretta shifted uncomfortably, "that is true."

"But why?!" Tomas exclaimed, "You were on track to be made a master, Veretta. You can't just give up,"

"It's not that I'm giving up," Veretta sighed.

"Tomas,'' Charlotte said severely, "You know Veretta's not like that. It's because of Silthus, isn't' it?"

Veretta stared down soberly, "he's already at the southern border. He will come to this village in a matter of weeks,"

"Why didn't you come to us?" Tomas stared at her wide-eyed, "You didn't have to go alone,"

"Because," Veretta gave a faint smile, "This isn't your fight. The college isn't getting involved. You should go. It won't be long before he comes,"

"Veretta," Charlotte said seriously, "We are your friends. We're not going to leave you here to fight alone!"

"I.." Veretta started.

Her grandmother patted her on the back.

"Your friend came all the way here. It would be rude to tell them to leave without a meal," she smiled.

Veretta's eyes widened. She turned back to her friends with an apologetic smile.

"Let's eat some food first," Veretta smiled, "then we'll talk,"

It was as her grandmother said, she was too quick to push others away. It would only be for one night. She would make sure they left before the real danger came. They didn't know what Silthus really was, or the terrible things he would do to have his way. Veretta hoped they would never know.

As the group sat down at the table, the door clicked and the towering shadow of the wizard met their gazes. Tomas' eyes widened apprehensively.

"Who are you?" he asked hostily.

"Tomas!" Charlotte scolded, "don't be so impolite. Is this one of your relatives, Veretta?"

"His name is Errik. He's a friend from one of the Southern colleges," Veretta said quietly, "We met on a field trip,"

"I've never seen you before," Tomas went on inspecting the wizard, "what school do you go to? What year are you in?"

"Ah no," Veretta felt bad continuing the lie but it had to be done, "he is one of the masters,"

"Oh," Tomas said disappointed, "I meant no disrespect, Sir,"

The wizard gave a brisk nod of acknowledgement. He passed the group and set off to the door.

"Where are you going?" Veretta asked.

"For a walk," he replied, then disappeared off outside.

"Hmph," Tomas remarked once he had left, "Some people,"

Charlotte shook her head exasperated.

"I just mean," Tomas went on, "You know the type. He just seems like one of the guys. They're so good-looking they don't have to bother with any manners,"

"What's your excuse then, Tomas?" Charlotte smiled.

Tomas let out a grunt of annoyance but returned to eating his meal. To Veretta's relief, the afternoon was spent in merry chatter and recollection with Tomas and Charlotte. However, as night approached the wizard still had not returned.

"That's an awfully long walk," Tomas commented, glancing out the little window and the shadow covered snow. He turned his gaze back to the table and tucked his legs under his arms beside his seat at the fire. Veretta and Charlotte were cutting through some vegetables at the table. Veretta lowered the knife and glanced out as well. She felt nervous, but what could she do? Lock him inside? Tell him when and where he goes? Would she really go that far?

"Veretta," Charlotte said quietly now it was just the three alone. "I meant what I said before,"

Veretta glanced back at her. Charlotte's dark brown eyes met her gaze resolutely. Her pale freckled little face had the expression Veretta had come to know well. Though she was quiet, once she made her mind up, Charlotte never withdrew.

"No," Veretta said gravely, "this is not like the play fighting they do in the college. Silthus is murder leading a pack of murders. You have to go back. You and Tomas. Stay in the college till this over,"

"We've heard what Silthus has been doing up the continent," Tomas said with uncharacteristic seriousness. "We know what we're in for. That's why we're staying,"

"You can't," Veretta faltered, "I can't lose you too,"

"And we can't lose you either, Veretta," Charlotte countered.

There was a long pause. Veretta inhaled deeply. She wanted to throw them back in the mage's college and lock the door behind them. Anything to stop them from getting hurt, but she knew better than to try and argue with them. They were a stubborn lot. Perhaps, that's what they had in common.

"In that case...there's something I have to tell you.." Veretta began.

At that moment, there was a knock at the door. Veretta stood quietly. Every time, she heard it, it made her stomach tie in knots. She opened the door. The wizard's dark cold eyes met her like a ghost in the night. There was something consuming and bittersweet about his eyes. Veretta was momentarily lost for words but quickly regained herself and stepped aside letting him in.

Once more, he set an armful of logs down by the fire. He started to retire to his room. It was then, Veretta said in spite of herself:

"There is some food leftover. You should join us,"

He glanced back at the group with a blank expression before complying without a word. He sat down at the table under the stares of Tomas and Charlotte who were watching him curiously. He was either ignorant or indifferent to the fact as he started eating as though he might have been alone.

There was an awkward silence. Veretta tapped the table anxiously. Should she tell them the truth? She was about to only a moment ago. However, now he was before them. She felt hesitant. The wizard's meal passed quietly. When he was finished, his stare returned to the fire.

"So, how old are you?" Tomas asked breaking the silence, "You don't look old enough to be a master wizard,"

Errik continued to stare ahead indifferently.

"He's a bit older than us," Veretta intervened.

"You must be a talented Master Errik," Charlotte smiled nervously.

"He is," Veretta answered after another extended silence. She regretted inviting him to join them. Now there would certainly be questions. How many more lies would she have to tell? Still, she would have felt remiss, if he didn't at least eat. Ah, what to do?

Tomas let out a derisive snort, "Can't he talk for himself?"

The wizard seemed to take exception to this. His eyes turned to Tomas cuttingly. Tomas flinched upon meeting his gaze. He was instantly reminded of the desert snake in Errik's yellowish eyes. A snake coiling around its prey without mercy. He certainly didn't seem like any of the master's he had met.

"What are you looking at me like that for?" Tomas said annoyed.

The wizard's eyes panned down to Tomas's arm. He had taken off his coat earlier and a little of the markings on his arm was showing under his shirt.

"You wanna see," Tomas gave a grin.

He pulled up his sleeve revealing the white markings on his ebony skin. The wizard's eyes widened with something like recognition. He lurched forward and caught hold of Tomas' staring down at it intently.

"The hell are you doing?" Tomas snatched his arm angrily.

"Is it.." the wizard's lips parted slightly, but then closed without finishing the sentence.

He glanced back at Veretta and Charlotte who were staring up wide-eyed and shocked. He turned swiftly and disappeared into the back room without saying anything further. Tomas pulled his sleeve back down, shaking his head as he did so.

"What's his problem?" Tomas remarked loudly.

"He's not been well," Veretta sighed.

"What's wrong with him?" Charlotte asked concerned.

"He...he was hit with a spell," Veretta lied, "And it made him forget some things. I think he gets like that when he remembers something,"

"Must have been some heavy-duty magic," Tomas sat back down still annoyed, "He's got some screws loose,"

"You always pass judgement too quickly, Tomas," Charlotte exhaled, "he's here for the same reason as us, isn't he Veretta? He came to help you, right?"

"Yes," Verette answered pensively, "I think so."