Defeat the Hound, Win

At the same time, Chen Nan stood where he was and looked at the Hound with a calm expression.

He was not afraid of the Hound's change at all.

After all, even though both contracted beasts were in the low-rank bronze grade, Xiaochi had been able to defeat a bronze grade vicious beast when it was only in the high-rank black iron grade.

On top of that, the bronze grade vicious beast that Xiaochi had defeated back then had been a rank higher than the Hound!

Even if it did not evolve, it could still defeat the Hound!

He had full confidence in Xiaochi.

However, Chen Nan was very curious. Now that Xiaochi's level had risen, he wondered what kind of strength could it display?

Therefore, when he saw that the Hound had attacked, he decisively ordered Xiaochi as well, "Counterattack."

The moment it heard the order, Xiaochi immediately flapped his wings and flew towards the Hound.

At the same time, the Hound stood where it was and stared at Xiaochi with a fierce look in its eyes.

"Roar!" The Hound let out a low roar, and its entire body lit up with a red light.

Following that, a ball of flames spread out from its mouth.

The surrounding temperature gradually rose, and a blazing aura enveloped the entire training ground.

The light breeze abruptly stopped, making everyone present sweat.

The chemical reaction of two fire attribute contracted beasts clashing caused everyone to perspire profusely.

It was as if there were nine suns in the sky.

Xiaochi didn't panic at all. It flapped its wings and dodged to the side, dodging the ball of flames.

Just like that, the ball of flames flew to a nearby railing.

With a boom, the energy instantly exploded, and the railing collapsed.

However, the Hound didn't give up. It ran a few steps forward, jumped, and spat out another ball of flames.

Then, it landed on the ground but didn't stop attacking.

However, before these attacks even got close to Xiaochi, it simply flapped its wings and easily dodged them.

As it flapped its wings, it even converted the Hound's attacks into its own energy.

It absorbed all of the energy into its body.

This scene caused the students in the audience to start discussing.

"It has the advantage!"

"That's right, what's the point of attacking if it's like this?"

"It's like Heaven and Earth. Since it isn't strong enough, it can only play some tricks."

"If it had the strength, it would have just attacked head-on. Why would it dodge around like this?"

Everyone was discussing Xiaochi's actions.

Although the noisy discussion wasn't loud, Yu Ruyun could still hear the words clearly.

Her gaze was fixed on the two contracted beasts that were fighting. She didn't think that Xiaochi wasn't strong.

Although it did have the advantage, to be able to take the opponent's attack as energy for its own use was enough to prove that Xiaochi's strength wasn't simple.

It was very likely that it overpowered the Hound in terms of strength.

She withdrew her thoughts and continued to watch the battle not far away.

At this moment, Ji Ren's expression did not change as he commanded the Hound, "Increase the attack power."

Hearing the order, the Hound stopped in its tracks, stared at Xiaochi, and let out a low growl. It threw its head back and spat out a bunch of flames.

Its actions did not change, but its attacks did not stop.

The clusters of flames surrounded Xiaochi layer by layer.

Seeing this, Chen Nan did not command Xiaochi, but let it do its own thing.

Judging from the current situation, Xiaochi could handle the Hound very easily.

As time passed, Ji Ren's expression changed slightly.

This was because every attack of the Hound had been easily dodged or even neutralized by Xiaochi!

Moreover, the Hound's attack power was gradually decreasing, and it was starting to show signs of exhaustion!

Ji Ren was terrified. How could Xiaochi be so strong?!

It seemed that he had been careless.

"Use Lightning Speed!" Ji Ren's expression became grave, but he did not give up. Instead, he used his trump card.

When the Hound heard the command, its gaze changed, and it immediately used the skill Lightning Speed on Xiaochi.

Clusters of flames instantly flew toward Xiaochi.

In the next moment, the Hound waved its sharp claws, and the flames instantly increased in speed.

It attempted to trap Xiaochi in the flames before Xiaochi could react so that Xiaochi wouldn't be able to flap its wings.

Nobody expected that Xiaochi would directly condense the flames into its body.

But the Hound didn't give up and quickly released its energy.

At the same time, Chen Nan calmly watched the Hound's attacks.

The Hound had not reached a certain level which allowed it to have the ability to control flames.

It could only control small clusters of flames.

It was also because of this that Xiaochi had only been dodging all this time and did not use its energy.

But now, the duel had been dragging on for too long. He wanted to end this battle as soon as possible.

"Xiaochi, end the battle as soon as possible," Chen Nan's gaze did not shift as he ordered.

Hearing this, Xiaochi let out a low growl, "Chirp --"

Flapping its wings, a fireball was gradually formed around it, enveloping it within.

In the next instant, several balls of flames from the Hound appeared once again.

Xiaochi was unflustered as it abruptly charged towards the flames.

"Bang!" A loud bang suddenly sounded.

Two waves of energy instantly exploded. At the same time, smoke rose, covering the two contracted beasts.

In the next second, the Hound leaped out from the smoke and started attacking the smoke without any rhyme or reason.

What it didn't know was that Xiaochi had already flown into the air.

At this moment, it was staring at the Hound below. The speed at which it flapped its wings was getting faster and faster, and its entire body was glowing with a scarlet light.

In the next moment, it spat out a tiny ball of flames that gradually expanded in the air.

At the same time, the Hound looked at Little Red. It squatted, gathered its strength, and leaped, not forgetting to attack little red.

With a "bang", the two waves of energy collided.

Seeing this, Xiaochi flapped its wings and added more energy to resist.

Just as it added energy, its attack broke through the Hound's attack and whistled through the wind.

Feeling the danger coming towards it, the Hound's hair instantly stood on end and it took a few steps back, but in the end, it was not as fast as Xiaochi's attack.

An intense force sent the Hound flying. With a "boom", it crashed heavily into the ground.

The Hound immediately spat out a mouthful of blood. The spot where it had been attacked was covered in a large area of burns, and the wound was emitting wisps of flames.

The sudden twist in the battle caused everyone present to widen their eyes, and their hearts were incomparably shocked.

They were all astonished. How could Chen Nan's contracted beast be able to defeat the Hound so easily?

The Hound was a low-rank bronze-grade beast. Ordinary beasts would find it difficult to deal with it!

To think Chen Nan had defeated it so easily.

He had simply a crushed his opponent!

At the same time, at a corner of the training ground.

Only when she saw the Hound defeated did Yu Ruyun heave a sigh of relief. Her face revealed an expression of "I knew it".

This result was not much different from her speculations.

As expected, the sparrow's strength was not simple.

Yu Ruyun's gaze towards Chen Nan changed. It was filled with curiosity and inquiry.

On the other side of the training ground.

After Xiaochi defeated the Hound, it flew back to Chen Nan's side, looking like it was asking for praise.

"Well done," Chen Nan patted Xiaochi's back and praised it.

When he said this, Xiaochi became even happier and circled Chen Nan a few times.

Then, Chen Nan put Xiaochi back into the beast space and looked at Ji Ren. He was glaring at him with an unyielding look.

Seeing this, Chen Nan's expression did not change. He said, "Are you satisfied with the result?"