The Mission to Explore the Hole

The person in the corridor noticed Chen Nan as well. She immediately turned around and walked towards him.

"Chen Nan?" Her familiar voice sounded with a hint of inquiry.

The person walking towards him was Yu Ruyun.

At this moment, she was standing in front of Chen Nan and looking at him teasingly.

After school had ended before noon, she had come to look for Chen Nan. Unexpectedly, he was nowhere to be found.

She had not expected to meet him under such circumstances.

"Why are you here?" Yu Ruyun sized him up.

She noticed that he was dressed the same as he had been in the morning and had not changed.

It seemed that he had not returned to the dormitory until now.

She wondered what Chen Nan had gone to do.

Why was he only back at this time?

"Chen Nan, why are you so late? The dormitory has a clear rule that you have to come back before nine," While asking, Yu Ruyun lowered her head to look at the time. She saw that it was already nine at night.

If he was still doing missions at this time, it would be too dangerous.

However, judging from the strength of Chen Nan's contracted beast, it seemed that there was no need for her to worry at all.

"I went out to do something," Chen Nan did not avoid her gaze as she sized him up.

Of course, he did not directly say what he did either.

Hearing this, Yu Ruyun simply nodded and did not ask any further questions.

From her point of view, Chen Nan was extremely mysterious, just like his contracted beast.

Besides, this was his private matter after all, so it was not appropriate for her to ask too much about it.

"Your name must have been taken down by the dorm supervisor since you came back late this time, right? If you encounter any problems in the future, please tell me in advance. That way, I can still help you gain some leniency with the dorm supervisor," Yu Ruyun looked at Chen Nan and said slowly.

Luoyang Academy had clear rules. If one lived in the academy's dormitory, one had to return to the dormitory before nine at night, or one's name would be taken down by the dorm supervisor.

The students whose names had been taken down would have their points deducted accordingly.

If they were ten minutes late, their points would be deducted by 10 points, and so on.

It was precisely because of this rule that no one dared to return late for no apparent reason.

This was because points were extremely important to the students.

However, to Chen Nan, the academy's points were dispensable.

After all, Xiaochi's evolution did not rely on medicinal herbs or pills.

"Alright, you should go back and rest. I'll go down and talk to the dorm supervisor," After Yu Ruyun finished speaking, she looked at Chen Nan. After seeing him nod his head, she left.

She did not know about Chen Nan's unusual situation and was very worried about his points.

After all, from her point of view, all students needed medicinal herbs and pills to evolve their contracted beasts.

Even she was the same.

After she went downstairs, Yu Ruyun went to the dormitory management office and flipped through the list of names recorded. As expected, she saw Chen Nan's name.

She immediately began to negotiate with the dorm supervisor.

Two minutes later, the dorm supervisor picked up a pen and drew a few lines on the list.

Seeing this, Yu Ruyun wore a smile on her face as she bode farewell to the dorm supervisor before leaving the dormitory area.

At the same time, Chen Nan watched Yu Ruyun's back as she left. Without saying anything, he turned around and returned to his own dorm room.

Upon entering, he found that Liang Feiguang had already fallen into a deep sleep.

The surroundings were silent. From time to time, Liang Feiguang's snoring could be heard.

Fortunately, the snoring was not very loud and did not cause much of a problem.

Chen Nan glanced at Liang Feiguang who was sleeping on the bed. Then, he took his clothes and walked into the bathroom.

After cleaning up, he returned to the bed and began to rest.

Early in the morning, the sunlight shone through the window and into the dormitory.

Chen Nan opened his eyes sleepily and stretched out his hand to block the dazzling sunlight.

He sat up and took a long time to recover from the sleepiness.

After waking Liang Feiguang up, the two of them cleaned up, then left the dormitory and headed to the teaching building.

However, just as Chen Nan was about to reach the classroom, a person stood in front of him and blocked his way.

Chen Nan looked at this person and saw that he was not tall. He was a young man with dark skin but a flushed face.

One look at his clothes and one could tell that he was from the City Defense Army.

This young man stepped forward and handed the reward of the mission last night to Chen Nan.

The reward of the mission was 50,000 Alliance Dollars and three stalks of fly-eating grass.

After the young man handed the reward to Chen Nan, he did not leave immediately.

Instead, he glanced at Chen Nan and asked, "Are you interested in participating in the exploration mission of the vicious beast hole? This mission is issued by the City Defense Army and the rewards are quite rich."

After saying that, his gaze landed on Chen Nan's face as if he wanted to see from Chen Nan's face that he was interested in this mission.

"Not only that, many who participated in the mission are students from the academy, all your acquaintances," The young man threw out a tempting condition.

He hoped to use this information to attract Chen Nan to join the mission.

When Chen Nan heard this, his face was filled with surprise, and he asked, "Isn't this matter to be settled by the City Defense Army? Why do you still want us to explore?"

His heart was filled with puzzlement. Since the City Defense Army had taken the responsibility for the matter, why did they still want them to solve this matter?

When the young man heard this, he immediately explained the reason, "The City Defense Army is responsible for the safety of the whole Luoyang City, so at the moment, we simply can't get so many people to solve it. Most of our members are guarding the defensive line at the Qinhuai Mountain Range while some are maintaining the order in Luoyang City. Hence, we still need your help to completely resolve this matter."

As he said this, his gaze never left Chen Nan's face. He was observing the changes in Chen Nan's expression.

However, he did not see any changes. His heart was in doubt, wondering if Chen Nan would agree to participate.

He was very clear about the situation last night.

Chen Nan's strength was quite good. If he joined, the mission could achieve twice the result with half the effort.

In the City Defense Army's captain's heart, he still hoped that Chen Nan would participate.

Hearing this, Chen Nan pondered for a moment and said, "Will it be very difficult to explore the hole?"

"The number of vicious beasts in the cave is unknown, but most of them are at the bronze grade," Seeing that Chen Nan seemed to have the intention of saying yes, the young man immediately explained.

Although the vicious beasts were only at the bronze grade, they were still difficult to deal with.

Hence, the City Defense Army invited the students from the academy to explore the hole with them.

Hearing this, Chen Nan fell into deep thought, then nodded and agreed, "I can participate in this exploration mission."

If they were bronze grade vicious beasts, then he could still deal with them.

Besides, if he completed this mission, not only would he receive evolution points, he would also receive a reward.

Plus, the reward would be generous!

Of course, what he valued more was the evolution points he would obtain from killing vicious beasts.

Hearing that Chen Nan agreed to the invitation, a smile appeared on the young man's face.

"Then, let's meet at Shanlan High School tonight," The young man looked at Chen Nan with a smile.

Hearing this, Chen Nan nodded, indicating that he understood.

Seeing his response, the young man nodded to him as well, then turned around and left.

Seeing this, Chen Nan returned to the classroom alone.

The second the young man had come to the front of him, Liang Feiguang had headed to the classroom himself.

Regarding this, Chen Nan had no words. On the contrary, his favorability towards Liang Feiguang was continuously rising.