Competition Rules, Genius Beastmaster

"I believe all of you are curious about the rules of this assessment?" After saying that, Bu Yuze glanced at the crowd.

Not only were the students in the preparation area curious, but even the seniors were also very curious.

They had heard that the rules this time were different from the previous years.

"Now, I will announce the rules of this competition," As Bu Yuze spoke, he glanced at the students who were whispering to each other. There was a hint of warning in his eyes.

When the students saw Bu Yuze's gaze, everyone instantly shut up and listened to the rules carefully.

"All the matches will be held 1V1. Your opponent will depend on the number ball that you have drawn. You will fight according to the number on your number ball. For example, both students who have drawn the number ball with the number 1 will go against each other in the first round, and so on. Alright, let's start drawing the balls now."

After saying that, Bu Yuze clapped his hands, and instantly, dozens of staff members stepped forward.

They were each holding a box in their hands, and inside of the box were number balls.

Bu Yuze waved his hand, and these staff members carried their boxes and walked to the preparation area.

They held the boxes to the front of the students to let them draw a number ball.

The drawing of the number balls went on, and many people had already drawn theirs.

At this moment, the people who had drawn their numbers were curious, mainly curious about their opponent's strength.

As for those who had not drawn their numbers, they waited excitedly.

They even prayed in their hearts that their opponent's strength was low so that they could have a chance to successfully advance.

Hearing the rules everyone in the audience had the same expression that seemed to show that they had expected it.

The rules this time were different from the previous years.

The ranking competition in the previous years was 1V5. One winner would be selected from five and enter the academy competition.

Sure enough, each year was different.

At the same time, when Bu Yuze announced the rules, four students in the audience had just taken their seats.

As soon as these students had arrived at the audience seats, they had attracted everyone's attention.

The eyes that looked at them were filled with astonishment and questions.

These students were all relatively famous in the academy.

It was precisely because of this that the other students were shocked.

Some people had already started discussing.

"Why are they here to watch this kind of freshman assessment?"

"They didn't come to watch the previous freshmen assessments either, right? Why are they here this time?"

"Do they know someone? Or are they here to cheer for someone?"

"How do you know they know someone? Maybe they have someone they think highly of."

As the students discussed, they would look at the positions of those four from time to time, their curiosity about to overflow.

The four ignored the discussions around them and looked at the preparation area.

"I heard that there are many excellent Beastmasters this year," A strong-built youth said curiously.

He looked around at every student in the preparation area.

After finding that there was nothing special about them, he withdrew his gaze.

"To tell you the truth, the one you heard about might be my sister. She's in Class A, and is quite strong," A handsome youth locked his eyes on a seat in the preparation area.

"That may not be true. Maybe it's my brother! He is from Class S! His strength is ranked in the top three of his class!" A youth with thick eyebrows and big eyes said proudly.

"Alright, stop fighting. Your younger brothers and sisters are all very outstanding. This year is different from previous years. There are many talented Beastmasters. Who do you think will be the champion of this year's ranking competition?" A burly youth first comforted the two of them before asking them curiously.

This year's ranking competition must be extremely exciting!

"I think Ji Duo will win. His contracted beast's strength has already reached the high-rank silver grade. For others, such a level should already be considered difficult to deal with," The youth with thick eyebrows and big eyes locked his gaze onto the person in the first seat of the second row in the preparation area.

"You're so ignorant. Do you see the person in that seat? His name is Xin Qing. According to what I've learned, his contracted beast has already reached the low-rank gold grade. With his strength, it's enough to beat everyone," The handsome youth pointed at the person in the second seat of the first row in the preparation area.

There was a hint of admiration in his eyes as he looked at Xin Qing.

There were very few people who were able to have their contracted beasts reach the low-rank gold grade in the first month or so upon entering the academy.

Hearing this, there was a hint of surprise in the eyes of the others.

They did not expect someone to reach the low-rank gold grade in such a short period.

"I still think highly of Chu Zhiruo who's in the fifth seat of the first row. Although her contracted beast's strength is at the middle-rank silver grade, she has rich battle experience. When the time comes, it's hard to say who will win in the battle," The strong-built youth's gaze landed on that spot, and a trace of admiration appeared on his face.

According to what he had learned, Chu Zhiruo had often participated in the academy's missions.

Furthermore, she had evolved her contracted beast just a few days ago.

Up until now, no one knew the strength of her contracted beast after she had evolved it.

Her strength had probably risen to another height!

"Qing Hanlin, what about you? Who do you think will win?" At this moment, the youth with thick eyebrows and big eyes finally remembered that there was one more person beside them.

At this moment, Qing Hanlin, who originally had a cold expression and was exuding a cold aura, finally had a reaction after hearing these words.

His gaze fell on Qing Yunshi who was in the preparation area and looking in the distance.

Then, his gaze shifted to Chen Nan, who was beside her, with a trace of inquiry in his eyes.

He did not say who he favored more.

But his gaze kept sizing up Chen Nan as if trying to see something from him.

Unfortunately, he only saw Chen Nan's indifferent expression and nothing else.

But even so, Qing Hanlin didn't shift his gaze away.

The youth with thick eyebrows and big eyes didn't get angry when he didn't hear an answer.

Instead, he looked like he was used to it.

They were already used to it. Every time they asked a question, they would only ever so occasionally hear his reply.

Most of the time, he was cold and taciturn.

As the drawing of number balls began, they also cast their gazes towards the training ground.

At the same time, the students of Class C had not drawn their number balls yet.

At this moment, Liang Feiguang was sitting in his seat, looking at the drawing box some distance before him with an excited look on his face.

He wondered what kind of opponent would he get.

Just then, a staff member walked over with the box.

He handed the box to the front of Liang Feiguang and asked him to draw a number ball.

Liang Feiguang excitedly reached in and took out a number ball.

His heart was filled with anticipation. He wondered how strong his opponent would be.

In the end, he muttered to himself, "I hope I don't get a strong opponent.".

At the same time, the staff member came to Qing Yunshi. She was still as cold as ever.

She drew a number ball and the expression on her face didn't change.

Then, the staff member came to Chen Nan and handed the drawing box forward, indicating that he could draw a number ball now.

Seeing this, Chen Nan reached in and quickly took out one out.

After taking a look, he put it into his pocket.