In the Fog

Everyone was trapped in their thatched cottages.

They had two choices.

One, they would continue to wait in their thatched cottages. In a few more hours, it would be nighttime. That meant it would be even more difficult to go out and explore. They would endure until the next morning and think of another way.

Two, they would send their villagers out to explore. The villagers might be able to find some food and resources. However, there was a high probability that the villagers would die.

Both options had their pros and cons. So far, no one had gone out to explore. There was not enough information about the outside world.

People were hoping that someone else would become the lab rat first!

It was the only way that they could obtain any useful clues.

Obviously, no one was willing to be the lab rat. Everyone wanted to survive. They continued to hide in their cottages and refused to step outside!

It was an endurance competition.

Sooner or later, someone would lose their patience and go out. Then, the rest could judge the danger factor on the world or regional chat channel.

Nobody would run into the thick fog for no reason.

Liao Fan preferred to take the initiative rather than just sitting and waiting.

Of course, he was still very careful.

He had just received two important pieces of news!

First of all, the monsters could only move in the fog.

This information was important because it involved another matter, which was the duration of the torch.

The torch could dispel the fog!

As long as he synthesized a torch, Liao Fan could dispel the fog for a certain period of time!

As long as he had a torch in his hand, he would be safe from the monsters!

Furthermore, he had the materials to synthesize the torch.

Liao Fan began to rapidly go through the possibilities in his mind.

It was crucial to remember how long the torch would last.

Three minutes.

Liao Fan could enhance the torch, but he was unsure what the +1 meant.

'Does it mean that the duration would increase by one minute?

'Or would it double the duration?'

If the +1 meant that it would add one minute to the torch's duration, then Liao Fan could dispel the fog for four minutes.

However, if the duration was doubled, then he could dispel the fog for six minutes!

The material needed to upgrade the torch would probably be coal since it was not realistic to add stone.

Thoughts like these began to fill up Liao Fan's mind. 

The synthesis of a stone axe was [ wood + stone ]. As for a wood axe, it was [ wood + wood ]. Meanwhile, for black crystal blocks, it would require [ stone + coal ].

Most of the synthesis easily made sense.

At present, Liao Fan just needed to figure out how much his ability would amplify the items.

If he could not figure this out, Liao Fan would need to come up with a new plan!

In the end, he decided to amplify the torch.

[ Wood + coal = torch ].

Liao Fan prepared to synthesize based on the formula.

"Access item creation!"

A huge production table appeared in front of Liao Fan.

It was a 1*1 square production table. 

Liao Fan enhanced the wood and coal.

Then, he placed them on the production table.

[ Sufficient materials. Begin production! ]

The production table immediately flashed a faint light.

[ Ding! Congratulations to the Lord Liao Fan for obtaining a torch. ]


Liao Fan looked at the torch that appeared on the production table excitedly.

He immediately checked its properties.

[ Torch: Can dispel the fog for six minutes. ]

"So the effectiveness was doubled!"

Liao Fan was ecstatic.

Suddenly, he had a bold idea.

"If I enhance this torch again, will it be able to last even longer?"

Liao Fan made up his mind and decided to further enhance the torch.

[ Torch: Can dispel the fog for twelve minutes! ]

Twelve minutes!

Liao Fan's heart was racing!

Compared to the most basic torch, his torch was three times more effective.

He still had nineteen coal left and could even further enhance the torch.

12*20 = 240 minutes.

"I could stay outside for four hours!"

The other people could not even be compared to him!

Liao Fan calmed himself down and continued to enhance the remaining materials.

He attempted to make a stone and wooden axe but to his surprise, he failed.

The formula he used was [ stone + coal ].

What he created was a pitch-black crystal block. It was the material needed for stone sculptures.

Liao Fan knocked his head in an attempt to compose himself.

After thinking about it, it made sense. 

There was no way he could create two items with the same formula.

However, it could be used for something else.

Liao Fan gave more thought to the coal. It was usually used to start fires.

Then, he immediately started searching the house.

Fortunately, he found a piece of coal. It was beneath some ashes.

Liao Fan placed the coal and stone on the production table again.

This time, he was successful and created flint.

The flint was exceptionally good thanks to his enhancement ability. There was still a chance to produce sparks even if it was damaged by water.

After producing the flint, Liao Fan felt relaxed.

Without the flint, the torch would have been useless since it needed a fire source.

Liao Fan continued to produce more items.

More and more tools appeared in the cottage.

Liao Fan's basic materials were being consumed at a rapid speed.

In the end, there were only two stones left.

He had obtained nineteen torches, six stone axes, two wooden axes, one flint, and one black crystal block.

"Now, what should I do with this black crystal block?"

The system did remind him that this was one of the important materials for making a statue, but it did not apply to Liao Fan's current situation.

After thinking for a moment, Liao Fan decided to rub the black crystal block against the ground.

Sure enough, the black crystal block was not hard. He drew a long black line on the ground.

Liao Fan's heart skipped a beat.

Perhaps this black crystal block could be used as a path indicator.

Besides, the fog outside was very thick. It would be easy for a person to get lost. Using the black crystal block to create a path indicator would definitely be very helpful.
