Making the Second Dish

Before dawn the next day, a large number of people had already driven to Twiser for a bowl of the legendary roasted pork rice.

At six in the morning, Xu Yuan woke up early just to buy fresh beef. He and Zhan Long strolled through three markets before they managed to buy fresh ox meat that was still warm.

Then, the two went to the seafood market and bought a few arm-long grouper mantis prawns. These mantis prawns were known as the king of mantis prawns. The grouper mantis prawns were especially hard to come by, but Xu Yuan just so happened to find them. He felt like even God was helping him.

"Young master, this is the first time I've heard of the combination of mantis prawn and beef. What exactly do you have in mind?" Zhan Long asked in confusion.

Xu Yuan smiled mysteriously and said, "There's no rush. You'll know soon enough."

The movie "God of Cookery" did not exist in the parallel world. Since Zhan Long did not know about the Beside-yourself Rice, he certainly did not know about the Juicy Beef Balls, which was the second dish Xu Yuan was going to make!

The two of them went to a few more markets and finally bought the iron bars that would be used to pound meat. Only then did they rush back to the restaurant.

Before the car even stopped at the door, Xu Yuan could see many people surrounding the door. There were about a hundred of them. If it weren't that they were calm, they would have looked like they were here to collect a debt.

"Hey! When is your chef coming?" A customer asked unhappily.

He was here because he had watched the live broadcast. He had been standing from seven in the morning until half-past eight, but still hadn't seen the chef he was waiting for. He couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.

Wei Heji comforted him kindly, "Our restaurant opens at nine o'clock. The chef will be here soon. Everyone, please wait a moment."

Now that the restaurant was under the control of Xu Yuan, he did not dare to let anyone in without permission. He could only stand at the door.

However, he could not stop cursing Xu Yuan in his heart. If he was the one who had mastered the secret recipe of the Beside-yourself Rice, he would definitely mass-produce it. The customers could eat as much as they wanted! As long as they were willing to pay, there was no limit to the supply!

At this time, Xu Yuan pushed through the crowd and walked to the door. Wei Heji rushed over and grabbed him as if he had seen his savior, "Young Master, you're finally here. Everyone is waiting for you! Hurry up and start cooking! Everyone, please come in!"

Saying that, he started to greet the customers, but Xu Yuan turned around and stopped him, "Wait a moment, I still have something I haven't done."

Then he pulled Zhan Long into the restaurant and blocked Wei Heji and the customers outside with the door.

About 15 minutes later, Xu Yuan opened the door again, and behind him, Zhan long held up a sign that he put at the front door with a 'thud'.

Under a picture of the Beside-yourself Rice, there were a few words that had been written clearly.

Zhan Long cleared his throat and read out loud, "The roasted pork rice takes a long time to make. To ensure that all customers can eat it, the restaurant has issued a few rules."

"First, everyone is limited to one serving and one serving only."

"Second, the food may only be eaten here and no takeout is available."

"Third, the restaurant refuses to work overtime."

"Fourth, no bargaining."

"Fifth, this restaurant only serves roasted pork rice for now. We are developing the second dish, so please wait patiently. "

These few strict rules caused the customers at the entrance to discuss.

Especially Peng Chun and Guang Ni, who were in the crowd as well.

The "refuse to work overtime" rule was obviously aimed at them. Moreover, Xu Yuan had made some other improvements to the rules with this rule as the foundation. How was this a restaurant? It was more like a soup kitchen. They were customers, not refugees who were begging for food. It was incomprehensible that there were so many rules to follow just for a meal!

The customers were instantly shocked by these rules. They had never seen such an insolent restaurant! A few of the group members who had promised to bring food for others in the group yesterday were calling to inform their friends that takeout was unavailable. If they wanted to eat, they could only come in person themselves.

"It's just a small restaurant, but there are so many rules. We're here to eat, not to beg for food! Are you guys doing business or not?" A customer shouted unhappily.

The other restaurants kneeled and begged for customers to come. They offered discounts and constantly improved the quality of their service. No customer had ever seen a restaurant that operated like the Royal Court Banquet Restaurant, plus they were selling at an extremely expensive price!

Was the restaurant treating them as fools that were rich and easy to push over?

The customers' desire to go in was instantly reduced by half. The customers who had been full of anticipation stood at the door hesitantly, not wanting to be the fool who would stand out.

Xu Yuan took no notice of the reactions of the people. He simply followed his own rhythm and said loudly, "It takes time for the roasted pork to be prepared. If you can wait, please come in."

Then he gave way at the door.

Following this, a few guests entered the restaurant.

The people who stopped in place widened their eyes and looked at the backs of these people. They felt that there were three big words written on their backs: "To be deceived!"

Xu Yuan and the other two followed closely behind these customers. They sat them down and took their orders. Xu Yuan then marinated the roasted pork in the kitchen, mixed the sauce, and handed the follow-up steps to Zhan Long. After that, he walked back to the restaurant.

At this moment, the customers sitting in their seats had impatient looks on their faces. Each of them was like a firecracker that had been lit and the fire was at the end of the fuse. As for the onlookers outside the door, they were all waiting to watch the show, curious to see if the fools would be so angry that they would destroy the restaurant after eating the roasted pork.

Xu Yuan looked around and found that the situation today was very similar to yesterday. Yesterday, because of Hua Qing's eating broadcast performance, some onlookers had come to spend their money. However, the people who were here today did not seem to be as easy to deal with as those that came yesterday.

No matter how fast it was, the roasted pork would need to be roasted for another half an hour. The customers who had entered might leave before the food arrived.

If that happened, the little popularity that they had accumulated yesterday would disappear overnight. That would be too miserable.

Xu Yuan frowned and thought for a moment. Then, he snapped his fingers and said, "No, I have to think of a way to distract their attention."

Wei Heji happened to hear this when he walked to Xu Yuan's side. He asked curiously, "Young master, what are you going to do?"

Xu Yuan looked at him and suddenly said with a fake smile, "Uncle Wei, thank you for your hard work. Please help me move a sturdy table and bring me another chopping board!"

"What are you going to do?" Wei Heji asked.

"Don't ask. Just help me move it over first!" Xu Yuan pushed him and asked him to go to the kitchen to get the things.

After a while, Wei Heji moved a table and a chopping board out of the kitchen. As if he was giving instructions to a driver who was reversing a car, Xu Yuan ordered Wei Heji, who was carrying the things, to move left and right. Finally, he decided to place the table in the middle of the dining room, making sure that every customer could see him.

Then, Xu Yuan placed the beef he had bought just this morning on the chopping board and placed his hammer on the left and right of the meat.

Sure enough, the impatient customers all looked over curiously.

They watched as Xu Yuan stood before the chopping board, then raised the iron hammers in his hands and smashed them on the beef.

"What's he doing?"

"He's not preparing the roasted pork at the back, but here in front smashing beef?"

"Where's my roasted pork rice? How long do we have to wait? Is the restaurant even trying to do business?"

"Hey, hey, hey, is your restaurant playing with us?"

The patience of the customers who were waiting for the roasted pork rice was almost exhausted. When they entered the restaurant, they had seen the restaurant's ridiculous rules. After that, not only could they not have their food, but they even had to watch the chef start to smash beef inexplicably.

Everyone was like a double-bang firecracker that could explode at any time that stared at Xu Yuan in dissatisfaction.

Xu Yuan did not seem to notice and continued to focus on smashing the beef on the board.