Where Do You Live

Of course, Chuck did not intend on making another toast.

He had not expected the Veiled Queen to have such a poor tolerance for alcohol, so he did not dare to make another toast. After a while, Chuck said, "The latest shipment of perfume has just arrived. I need to go and take care of it. Miss Veiled, Mr. Mu Ye, I'll take my leave first."

After Chuck had left, Fang Mo'er intended on finding an opportunity to leave as well.

She smiled at Mu Ye and said, "Mr. Mu, then I..."

"Does Miss Veiled really hate me?" Mu Ye suddenly glanced at her coldly.

Fang Mo'er froze just as she was about to get up. She quickly smiled and said, "Sir, you've misunderstood. I just need to go to the washroom."

On second thought, it would not be good for her to leave immediately.

Fang Mo'er stood up and walked towards the washroom.

In the bathroom, Fang Mo'er splashed her face with cold water and woke herself up from the effects of the alcohol.