Enemy Troops Came to Audition

At the moment, Fang Mo'er was still pretending that she did not know that the male lead actor would be Shi Mo. 

She still had to make herself say it.

As expected, female artistes nowadays were too pretentious.

"Mr. Shi is the most suitable candidate for the character in the manga." The director continued to boast cooperatively.

He did not have too much hope for this drama, anyway. The two main leads had been decided internally, what else was there for him to choose?

The director sighed in helplessness. For the sake of the capital, he could only try his best to film well. As for the acting skills of the actors, he really did not have much hope.

One was an artiste who had only debuted recently, while the other was a complete newbie.

It would be difficult to carry them along.

Fang Mo'er almost jumped up.

Shi Mo actually wanted to play the male lead character? Was he dreaming? Furthermore, did Shi Mo even know how to act?