Was Fierce

Bai Rong smiled sweetly at Director Wang Hong.

However, when she got out of the bus and saw the chaotic situation in the market, she could not smile anymore.

There were many individual sellers who had set up stalls on the ground with piles and piles of vegetables piled on top of each other.

In the market, there was a sea of people again.

Did the production team not specifically clear the market first?

There were even children running around, making a lot of noise.

Fang Mo'er got out of the car, feeling extremely familiar with this scene.

In her previous life, she had still been an ordinary person. She had often gone to the market every few days to buy vegetables. In her previous life, the market near her house had been just as lively as this one.

She walked in.

In the car earlier, they had each been assigned what ingredients to buy.