Extraordinary Performance

After filming was over, Wang Feng was still in a daze.

He stared at Fang Mo'er's back view as she sent the production team away, unable to regain his senses for a long time.

After the short scene with Fang Mo'er, Wang Feng realized that her acting was not what he had imagined.

It made him feel that the disdain he had for Fang Mo'er's acting skills over the past few days had suddenly become a little ridiculous.

In the dressing room, Wang Feng was removing his makeup when Huang Yi, an actor from the same group, sent him a message. "Brother Wang, how is it going? Have you acted with Fang Mo'er? Did you think it was good?"

Previously, when Huang Yi had been praising Fang Mo'er's acting skills to Wang Feng, Wang Feng had been dismissive of it. Even though Wang Feng had already witnessed it for himself now, he still stubbornly said, "It wasn't bad. She probably just performed exceptionally today and got into character very quickly."