Invitation Letter to the Party

Unexpectedly, Han Tian said, "Whatever the issue is, we can talk about it after shooting in the afternoon."

Bai Rong was taken aback, and her face immediately turned red.

Bai Rong looked at Wang Feng again.

After thinking for a moment, Bai Rong smiled and said, "Wang Feng, didn't you say that you would like to shoot a movie with me in the future? We can discuss it first."

Wang Feng turned his head, but he only said indifferently, "I just got a new job recently, so I can't shoot a movie for the time being."

Wang Feng, who had always been considerate of Bai Rong's feelings, was now betraying her?

Bai Rong, "..."

At the same time, Fang Mo'er was chatting with Fang Han.

Fang Han had sent two photos of an invitation to her.

"Sister, there's a celebrity party at the Moon Gazing Pavilion this weekend. Shall we go together?"

Fang Mo'er asked, "Why are we suddenly going to the party?"