Was Isolated

"It's useless no matter how hard you try. You're not even a professional emcee. Your attitude and actions are all wrong.

"How can I even say that you're competent? If you can't do it, you should have rejected it earlier so that you won't embarrass yourself in front of the entire nation," said Li Li as she crossed her arms unhappily.

Fang Mo'er was initially puzzled. Her performance had been exactly the same as Li Li's earlier demonstration. Why was she constantly being criticized?

Hearing the undisguised disgust in the tone of Li Li's voice, Fang Mo'er raised her head and saw a flash of anger in Li Li's eyes.

It was mixed with jealousy and resentment.

The two hosts stood together and glared at Fang Mo'er coldly. It was obvious that they had something against her.

Fang Mo'er frowned and put down her lines. She looked at Li Li and asked, "Sister Li, who would you have liked me to push it to?"