Pushed Her Down

Fang Mo'er grabbed Li Li's collar and asked three equally difficult questions in return.

"If you can't answer, then you can go down."

Fang Mo'er did not give Li Li any time to react and threw her into the pool.

Li Li's makeup was not waterproof. Thus, she looked quite wretched and immediately wanted to go to the edge of the pool.

However, Fang Mo'er quickly asked another question. Having no idea what the answer was, Li Li was pushed back into the water by Fang Mo'er.

Li Li was like a mouse swimming in the pool. She wanted to go back on land but was ruthlessly pushed back into the pool by Fang Mo'er again.

Just like that, by the time the director reacted, the makeup on Li Li's face had completely run, which made her look extremely scary.

Most importantly, some parts of her body had also been exposed.

She was looking extremely ugly.

After Fang Mo'er had done all this, she saw the director rushing over with his men.