Flowers for a Beauty

The place that Shi Yu had made reservations at was a five-star restaurant.

It was very suitable for couples to go there on a date. Every single private room had a good atmosphere. From the hall, one could see that there were men and women who had chosen to eat here.

It was clear that Shi Yu had put in some effort. The private room that had been arranged for Shi Mo and Fang Mo'er had a great atmosphere. They were eating in a private room beside a romantic cherry blossom tree. Through the window, one could see the petals fluttering in the wind.

However, just as Fang Mo'er turned to look at the cherry blossom tree outside the window, a man stopped in his tracks in the corridor not far away. He had just spotted the woman sitting by the window through the window.

Mu Ye had originally been heading to another private room, but he changed his mind and walked towards Fang Mo'er instead.