Whoever Was Ugly Would Be Embarrassed

Among those present, there were celebrities who had a good relationship with Lillian. All of them cast hostile glances at Fang Mo'er.

There were circles within the entertainment industry. Since Fang Mo'er had only just arrived and she had started the show in such a misleading manner, many people felt that she was deliberately trying to gain popularity.

There was a momentary pause at the scene.

Initially, the live broadcast had been focused on the red carpet where the celebrities had been walking outside. However, due to the fact that Fang Mo'er was wearing the same outfit as Lillian, one of the staff members had held up the camera and aimed it at Fang Mo'er from the moment that she had entered.

As Fang Mo'er slowly walked towards Lillian, the live broadcast suddenly switched from the red carpet outside to Fang Mo'er's side.

It was clear that such a move would be rude to the invited guests, but the organizers had done it anyway.