Was Still Alive

As Fang Mo'er's body fell, she looked Shi Mo in the eyes. She only had time to call out "Shi Mo!" before she fell into the water.

The moment before she fell into the water, Fang Mo'er suddenly recalled the general knowledge she had about how to protect herself when falling from a high altitude. She then took protective action.

At the same time, she saw someone waving at her from the corner of her eye before she fell into the water.

A huge splash of water exploded in Shi Mo's eyes. He reached out to grab it, but because he was too far away, he only managed to catch a piece of nothingness.

Everything had happened too quickly, so fast that even the film crew and the audience who were watching the live broadcast did not react immediately.

It was not until the huge splash of water had exploded on the calm surface of the lake that everyone finally reacted.