Could Finally Have Sex

The more the assistant cried, the sadder she became as she completely blamed herself.

If she had not left... if she had followed Fang Mo'er, she might not have encountered all these problems.

She had been watching the live broadcast. Although there had not been a live broadcast when the fire had happened, photos had been taken by others and posted online.

When she had seen the photos on the Internet, she had already been on edge. Then later, Fang Mo'er had fallen into the lake while bungee jumping.

As she had watched Fang Mo'er fall, she had felt her heart skip a beat as well and the cup in her hand had fallen to the ground. She had thought that Fang Mo'er was done for.

Fortunately, Fang Mo'er had been fine.

Xiao Tian hugged Fang Mo'er and cried her eyes out. Fang Mo'er looked at Shi Mo helplessly. She did not expect Shi Mo to only look at her with a faint smile.