Shi Mo Was Stunned

Seeing Fang Mo'er's black card, the salesperson immediately smiled, as if she had forgotten that she had made things difficult for Fang Mo'er earlier.

Fang Mo'er asked the salesperson, "Can I take a look at that dress?" She pointed at the dress that the salesperson had refused to let her touch.

The salesperson smiled and quickly took the dress down. Then, she handed it to Fang Mo'er and said, "Of course you can. This dress is a unique one. It just arrived last night. It was designed and made by our president himself. The gemstones on it are all real. The dresses designed by our president usually cost more than a million yuan. Since this is just an everyday dress, the price has been set at 300,000 yuan."

The salesperson did her best to promote the dress. Not only that, she also poured a glass of water for Fang Mo'er and Xiao Tian, so that they could take their time to make their choice.