Shocking Revelation

Li Shuo continued to explain the rules of the game. "I believe everyone here has played this game before. However, our rules have changed this time. Only when it's someone's turn to speak can that person speak. No matter what, no one else can speak."

Jia'er said, "As the champion of the previous round, I would like to make a small request. The rules of the game remain unchanged. However, I'll add another one. Since Bai Rong is a special guest, I'll let her decide whether the loser should take Truth or Dare."

Li Shuo nodded in agreement. "Alright, this is the right of the champion. Let's do it this way. Come, let's have our guests go onto the stage."

Since Bai Rong was joining in the game this time, she stood together with Fang Mo'er and the others.