Bai Rong Was Criticized

Not only had Fang Mo'er finished writing the song, she also raised the microphone and hummed a few lines. Her voice was ethereal and pleasing to the ears, and everyone present was mesmerized by it.

"It's so beautiful, this voice is indeed worthy of the former Veiled Queen."

"Her singing is clearly so beautiful, why did she become an actress instead? This is a loss for the music industry!"

The bullet screen was filled with pity for Fang Mo'er.

However, the person involved did not know about this.

After Fang Mo'er finished singing, Li Shuo praised, "As expected of the Veiled Queen, she sang so well. The benefits given to her fans are too great. I believe that your fans will be very happy."

"She finished writing so quickly. Did Miss Fang already prepare something beforehand?" Bai Rong asked with a smile.