Had Been Kidnapped

"Father knew that you would refuse. He said that you could choose as you like and that there would be no need for rent. However, in return, you can just give a part of the shares to the Fang family. No matter how much you give, you don't have to use the Fang family's name. It will be your own company.

"Father said that he hasn't helped you in any way. This is the only thing he can do for you as a father after so many years."

Fang Han looked at Fang Mo'er and winked at her. "Sister Mo'er, you can't reject such a good opportunity. This is a gift from a father to a daughter. Besides, we won't be like other families who scheme against each other."

After Fang Han's persuasion, Fang Mo'er finally agreed.

However, she did not agree to deal without giving something in return. She promised to give Fang Han 40% of the shares once the deal was done, and Fang Han agreed with a smile.