Exchange for Evidence

Seeing that Xue Ni had woken up, Fang Han bent down and looked into Xue Ni's eyes.

She put on an evil smile and said, "Miss Xue, now that you've fallen into our hands, I'd advise you to behave yourself. I'll take off the tape on your mouth, so don't scream, okay? Let's talk."

Xue Ni's eyes were wide with anger. When she heard Fang Han's words, she looked around. Only she, Fang Han, and Fang Mo'er were in the room but she did not know where they were exactly.

Knowing that she was in a bad situation, Xue Ni nodded obediently despite her anger.

She had never thought that she would be defeated by Fang Mo'er. Who would have thought that she would have the guts to do such a thing?

Fang Han was satisfied when she saw Xue Ni nod.

The tape on her mouth had just been removed. when Xue Ni glared at Fang Mo'er and said fiercely, "Well done, Fang Mo'er. It looks like I've underestimated you. I didn't expect you to do such a thing."