Chapter 4: Scheme (2)

Today is a special day. A joyous occasion would be held. Thus, the people inside the Mansion of the Rothland Ducal Family are awake starting from early in the morning

Since Clyde created such a large commotion, it wasn't that long before he was discovered by the maids

"Y-Young Master! W-what h-happened to you?" One particular made asked worriedly. He was the first person to discover Clyde laying in the ground with blood all over his body

Despite the intense pain in his body, Clyde still did his best to look at that maid with tears flowing down his beautiful eyes

"H-help... t-the duchess w-wants to k-kill me" Clyde said weakly before pretending to lose consciousness

A part of him that has been hibernating throughout his two lives starts to awaken

In fear that he would be abandoned, Clyde always refrained himself from doing the things he really want, including thinking of anything bad

Even then, a person's true color is not that easy to change. There were times when Clyde wants to scheme and change his fate

However, he never did that as he was a sucker for affection from his family. He always tried his best not to get abandon even though he still did

Now that Clyde let go of his attitude of being a people pleaser, the brilliant schemes inside his head would finally see the light of the day

Clyde is far from being stupid. If he was, would he become rich from his own effort in his second life?

His real personality was simply overpowered by his so-called family's teachings

The commotion didn't take that long to spread in the whole mansion. The Duchess could have deal with this much easier if it wasn't for his pride

If the Duchess made a personal move, he might be able to hide this scandal. Too bad that he didn't and many people in the Manor witnessed the misfortune of one of the Young Master of this house

The Duchess has his own people but so was the Duke that still has the highest authority in the Household

"What were you thinking?! Are you trying to earn His Majesty's anger?! He's already sold off to the 6th Prince. With the Empress's personality, do you think he would have an easy time there?!" The Duke of Rothland - Harold Rothland said angrily

His face was livid with anger as he stared daggers at his wife that has always been receiving his love and affection

Due to Casey's backing, Harold mostly let his wife do whatever he wants as long as it wouldn't undermine his authority

However, this is a grave matter. How would he answer His Majesty if something were to happen to his son-in-law?

The Duke knew of the mistreatment that Clyde receives from the Duchess but he always turned a blind eye to it

He did have an affair and if tormenting Clyde was Casey's way of releasing his anger then so be it

But of all the time that Casey could do such a thing, why did he choose the day that Clyde is to be married to the 6th Prince?!

"Your Grace, I am not the one at fault! That bastard schemed against me! I didn't try to kill him!" Casey defended himself

He really wasn't planning on killing Clyde while he was still in the house. He planned on killing Clyde only when he is on his way to the wedding with the help of the Empress!

In this matter, the Duchess is innocent. Too bad that defending himself just caused the Duke to be angrier

"Scheme against you? That child was as meek as he could be! How would such a stupid child think of a scheme?!"

Clyde's image played a big role in his plan. People have always viewed him as a porcelain doll. One that wouldn't be able to do anything bad or wrong

He is that type of person that would rather passively endure abuse rather than say something that might displease another person

How could the Duke believe what his wife was saying?

"I am not lying! That bastard really schemed against me!" The Duchess replied, trying to clear his name

His face was completely red from anger. How could his husband doubt him? In the first place, if Harold didn't have an affair, that bastard wouldn't be born!

"Just stop. I can't believe how stubborn you are" the Duke said in a dismissing tone while rubbing his temples

He first has to deal with the disaster that his good wife brought in case it became something even bigger

Knock knock

Fortunately for the Duchess, before the Duke could take his anger on him, someone already knocked in their doors

"Come in" the Duke replied with a sigh and the door was soon opened, revealing an old man with gray hair due to his age

"Your Grace, I have finished treating the Young Master. Fortunately, his wounds aren't that severe and he might have only passed out due to shock. He was mumbling the same words over and over again" the Doctor dutifully reported and the Duke raised his brows

"What was he saying?"

"H-he's asking for help and was begging to not get killed..." the doctor answered while deeply bowing his head and the Duke instantly glared at his wife

With how fragile that child was, he might let people know of what happened today. That wouldn't be good since it would incur the Emperor's wrath

"I will go talk to him. For the meantime, you have to lay low!"

With that, the Duke went to Clyde's room. He saw his illegitimate son trembling from fear while covering his whole body in a blanket

No matter who looks at him, they can only sense fear. Add that to Clyde's reputation, who would ever think that he was just acting?

"Your Grace!" The maid inside Clyde's room greeted while bowing their heads

"Leave" the Duke coldly ordered and the maids excuse themselves

It was now only the Duke and Clyde that is present inside the room

"F-father, I-I'm scared" Clyde confessed fearfully with teary eyes. His forehead even secretes bullets of sweat

There is a lot of experience that makes Clyde cry or afraid just by remembering them. It wasn't that hard for him to act like this

Father... Harold doesn't like hearing that from Clyde but for the family image, he has to endure it, especially now

"Son..." Harold started. The number of times Clyde was addressed by Harold as his son was very few

All of it was only done in public events. Clyde can't help but sneer inside him at how Harold was acting like a real father of his

"I know that the incident today has traumatized you but you need to be strong. Your Mother was just sad since you are moving out of the house after marrying His Highness. You understand that, right?"

At normal times, Clyde would agree and believe such words even if he knows that the Duchess only want him dead

He feels sick after hearing such words from his biological father but he didn't let his real thoughts be reflected in his facial expression

"M-mother did?" Clyde asked. His face was filled with yearning for affection

Such a hungry look is something that Harold already expected from this son of his. He thought that this would be easy

"Yes, your mother is just sad. You are shaken right now but remember that you cannot show that in public. If the Emperor misunderstood, not only would he execute you, even us, your family would be in danger. You understand that, right? "

The Duke was speaking in a soft tone. A tone that Clyde never receives from him in private

The Duke really knows how to play his cards well. No wonder that the Rothland Family is strong today

Even if a Noble Family has a high ranking title, it wouldn't mean that they are a force to reckon

Even among Nobles with various and same titles, there was still a division

The Rothland Family today was strong thanks to the Duke living a typical Noble's life

He married Casey even if he don't really love him to have a connection with a powerful Marquis Family. A family that is only below the Dukes

With his manipulations, his legitimate omega son would even marry one of the Prince that has the highest chance of succeeding the throne

Not to mention, he was also the one that proposed Clyde's marriage to the Emperor

The Emperor might not care that much for the 6th Prince but he did appreciate him for his talent

Since the 6th Prince is useful for the Empire, the Emperor desired to keep him while also preventing him from even thinking of trying to obtain the Imperial Throne

The Emperor applauded the Duke of Rothland's plan of marrying their two legitimate children together, further elevating the Ducal House's status