Chapter 8: Wedding

"Your Highness, you are one of the Great Stars of the Empire. Addressing Your Highness in that way is only just" Clyde insisted, hoping that the Prince would understand his words

"What the... s-stop! That's really creepy. Stop calling me Your Highness, it doesn't suit you" Ryden shuddered in utmost disgust.

If it was other people, Ryden can still endure it. But since Clyde is the one calling him that, goosebumps appeared all over his body

He feels like he entered one of the corny historical dramas back on earth and Ryden can't take it

Why would someone even has to be called 'Your Highness'? Just because he is a certain someone's son?

"Y-Your Highness, please understand. I am merely adhering with the Empire's Etiquette"

The side of Clyde's forehead twitches, why is the man in front of him this dense? Clyde has an urge to smack him in the head

"Arghh!! I don't care about etiquette or whatever! You're really creepy right now. Just treat me like a normal person. I'm not some sort of a high and mighty Princ— well, I actually am but it's not like I chose to be one!"

That's it, Clyde has finally lost his patience. His lips were still smiling but his eyes turned into a threatening one that causes the Prince to back away from him a bit

"Your Highness, will you please calm down?" Clyde asked with a smile that didn't reach his eyes

"Y-you're being creepier than usual! S-stop that!" Ryden said fearfully and Clyde can't stop himself anymore

He strides towards the Prince and...


The 6th Prince of the Empire just got his head banged by Clyde's fist and he could only look at the criminal 'fearfully'

"Y-you... why are you being so violent on me?" Ryden asked as he backs away from the 'devil'

"D-don't come closer! I am an Imperial Prince, you can't hurt me!" He continued

If Clyde is a volcano, he would have exploded already thanks to a certain someone here

"Your Highness, didn't you insinuate earlier that you don't want to be treated like a Prince?" Clyde asked darkly. Ryden has a talent in making him lose his patience

"T-that was before I realize that you are this violent! I thought you were still that Mr. Goody two-shoes that only cared about making people like him. But now... you are really scary!"

As if he want to show Clyde how scary he was, Ryden even wrapped his arms into his body as he shuddered from fear. He's really being too dramatic without any good reason

"Aren't you the one that said I shouldn't be too kind? What's with your reaction right now?"

"Well yeah, I don't like seeing pushover people but I also don't like it when the pushover is fighting against me!"

"You freaking bastard, make up your mind! Do you want people to stop being a pushover or not?!"

Clyde's face was completely red from anger now. If not for Ryden's current status, he might have strangled him in the neck already

"Your Highness, Young Master, are the both of you ready for the wedding?" A voice came from the outside and Ryden was about to answer when Clyde stops him

"Wait, tell him to wait some more. I have something to tell you"

Ryden has caused Clyde's blood pressure to rise to the point that he has forgotten what kind of situation they currently are in

"One second!" Ryden shouted back in fear that Clyde would hit him again if he didn't do what he said

"Your Highness, Ryden, as both of us know, our lives are currently in danger" Clyde started and Ryden nodded his head

If things have progressed like normal, Clyde should be dead by now and it wouldn't take that long before Ryden followed suit

"For now, we have to team up and survive. Do you agree?"

Ryden's answer of course was yes and so he nodded his head. It was better to have an ally rather than an enemy

"For us to survive, I suggest that you always listen to me cause you know... you're a bit..." Clyde doesn't know how to say stupid without sounding offensive

"I'm what? If you are going to speak, finish your sentence duh!"

Ryden doesn't like it when someone is edging him!

"Well... y-you are not that... b-bright..." Clyde can only say that but Ryden still felt offended

The man dramatically gasps as he put his hand into his chest. "Are you saying that I'm stupid?"

"That's not what I was saying" Clyde clarified

"Gasp! You didn't deny it! Have you forgotten that I was a doctor back on earth? Do you think an idiot can become a doctor?!"

Ryden has a point but from what Clyde can see, the Prince has high intelligence when it comes to perhaps, studying

However, this Prince is completely clueless about how the world works and he also cannot read the room

No wonder that people called him a musclebrain

Well, Clyde can't be choosy right now. It was already great that he gained the Prince's cooperation. Perhaps, asking for more would be greed already

"Your Highness, the Bishop is already waiting in the wedding venue. Please move faster" the guards from the outside said again and Clyde can only speed things up

"Your Highness, when we go outside please act like you became infatuated with me. And when we meet the Emperor, thank him greatly for his grace. Remember, you must show him that you are extremely happy with this marriage!" Clyde said in a serious manner yet the Prince just had another goosebump

"The heck, are you a narcissist? Why do you want people to think that I am head over heels for you?" Ryden asked in disgust and what he receives was Clyde's fist banging his head again

The poor Prince could only pout. "We are still not married yet you're already abusing me! Are you looking down on my manhood?!"

'Please! Act! Like! A! Prince!' Clyde begged inside his head

Clyde was only starting to have a crush on his spouse to be but that instantly vanishes. He can't believe that even with their lives in danger, Ryden would still be this stupid

"Your Highness, I was not trying to be a narcissist. You said that you were accused of killing me as you want to marry a legitimate omega for support, right? We must prevent the same thing from happening again! Instead of showing dislike for me, you should let His Majesty think that you are happy with the marriage. In that way, no one could accuse you of coveting the Throne!"

This was a simple but effective strategy. One Empress and one Duchess is currently on their throats, they could only try to obtain even a little bit of the Emperor's grace for survival

"Woah... you're right. Why haven't I thought of that? Damn, are you like really smart or something? I always thought that you were an idiot!"

Between the two of them, who is really the idiotic one? Clyde has an urge to ask that question sarcastically but he decided to keep it to himself

"Remember, talk as carefully and less as you can lest you make mistakes. You can ask for my help if you don't know what to answer!"

With how rough Ryden's mouth is, it wouldn't be a surprise if he were to offend some Nobles at the wedding

After the short briefing, the two went out of the waiting room with their arms intertwined with each other

Clyde has returned his demeanor back to normal. In private, he was fierce to the Prince but now, he looks as meek as a small kitten

"Dang, you're really creepy. How can you look like two completely different people in just a second?" Ryden blurted out and Clyde has given him a pinch

"Your Highness, please mind your manners even just until the wedding finishes" Clyde said gently but Ryden can feel the threat from it

The Prince's body stiffened and he decided to just shut his mouth

After minutes of walking, the two finally saw the door of the wedding venue. Just like any other area of the Palace, the venue was heavily guarded by the Imperial Knights

As soon as they saw the Bride and Groom, the guards immediately opened the wide and large door

"The Great Star of the Empire, His Highness the sixth Prince - Ryden Carstensen is entering!"

"The Second Omega of the Rothland Duchy, Young Master Avery Clyde Rothland is entering!"

Someone instantly announced the arrival of the two as they entered their wedding venue filled with a lot of people

The bride and groom might be illegitimates but they are still the child of the Royal Family and a Duke

For the sake of the Imperial Family's face, the Nobles have no choice but to attend the wedding even if they don't want to

The two starts walking down the aisle with a red carpet while some people start throwing flowers into their path