Fuk It, I am Out of Here

Lu Feng was shocked, this was only breakfast? What the hell was this! 

"This meat has QI in it, when you eat you not only your body becomes big, it becomes more stronger and better" Mu Jin Kin said to him with a smile and took out a big plate and placed it in front of him. 

"Now eat" he said and moved back a little. 

Lu Feng didn't know what to do, he looked into the big bowl, he saw many meat pieces and picked one from it. 

"This is big…" he said and placed the piece on his plate. It was enough for a mortal to eat for lunch, but it was not even 1% of his breakfast. 

"This also smells good" Lu Feng said, it was a good thing that smell and taste good, if the meat was horrible, he wouldn't be able to eat anything of it. 

Mu Jin Kin stood there and looked at him.

"Why are you looking like that?" Lu Feng asked, he didn't mind if someone looked at him, but this stare was different, he couldn't help but to ask.