Talk with Mother

Lu Feng was shocked after hearing what she said

"Wait, what!! That many years?" he didn't think of this at all! How much time was that! 

"Hmm? Why you are asking like that?" he didn't understand what Lu Feng meant. 

"It was only 10 or so hours passed outside!" Lu Feng said to him. 

"What?" that fox was also shocked by hearing it. 

"This is confusing… how could there be so much time difference… where is this place?" he asked the fox.

"I don't know…" that fox didn't know anything about this place or who he was… 

Lu Feng sighed, this was unexpected, "well… but this sounds good, if 50 years passed here… 10 hours outside, he could cultivate that technique without any problem, in just one month he might able to learn it and use it too! 

He walked towards the place head mother was in and called her. 

"Head mother! I am here" 

"Right… it took you so long… I said few months, not years" she said to him.