In dark and ominous places

"Glory to the eternal plague, which will cover the world to purge the weak and impure, grant us the faithful and devout a new world free from all impurity, thus revealing the authentic truth."A chorus of voices intoned in the darkness the creed of the Church of the Deadly Plagues.

Somewhere in the world, in the center of a dark room poorly lit by the light of a few candles, was a large round table with the symbol of a creature with the body of a snake, the wings of a dragonfly, and the head of a spider, engraved on it.

Around the table were a total of sixty-six seats, but only half were occupied by people dressed in robes or hooded mantles.

They were a mixture of men and women, of all ages, sizes, and races. In addition, many of them looked strange and grotesque.

Some looked like normal people, while others had the features of amphibians, reptiles, or insects. The strangest ones had fungus and moss growing on areas of their bodies such as their arms, chests, and faces.