The Echo Cave Part 1

As they walked out of the Blacksmiths shop they could see a group of people clad in armour walking down the street. The group was walking in the same direction that they were headed in so they just followed behind.

The longer they followed this group the stranger they seemed. None of them talked and they all were carrying a short sword and shield. The iron armour they were clad in was covering them from head to toe.

When they finally reached the edge of town the group of armoured individuals stoped and because there was 12 of them they blocked Rianna, Rachel and himself from continuing without going around.

Walking around the group they proceeded forword to Echo Cave.

Feeling the group of armoured individuals watching them he let Rianna and Rachel know.

"Just ignore them. They are probably with the town guard." Rachel said to him.

"Shouldnt they have a healer or a mage then?" He asked.

"Mages are more common in the capital than out here in the small towns and healers are hard to find even In the capital so it's unlikely we will find any." Rachel said.

Walking a few more minutes until they were no longer in the view of the Armoured individuals or any other prying eyes Rachel took out the two small rectangular wooden boxes.

"Silver take this." Rachel handed him 2 small rectangular and sleek boxes.

Opening them slightly by slideing the lid he could see what was inside. 4 neatly lined vial's containing a slightly purple liquid layed there and when he touched one he realized it was a Mana Potion.

[(Mana Potion)

(Restore 25% of one's mana)

(Drinking too many at once might have side effects)]

"I want you each to carry 2 just in case either of you need more Mana." Handing one of the boxes back to her he said.

"You are the one with a heal so you should carry them." Trying to refuse the box Rachel replyed.

"I will feel more comfortable if you each had some just in case you run out of Mana. What if I'm not able to get to you when you run out. You wont be able to defend yourself with any abilities and you might die." His tone grew more dark as he spoke.

Hearing him Rachel wanted to refuse but also realized he wouldnt stop till they took them so she took two and handed the other two to Rianna.

They walked for another 20 minutes and talked about their plan of operations. Rianna and him would use Mana strings to restrain the bats and Rachel would kill the Echo Bat. If there was ever more than one Rianna would do her best to restrain one and he would protect her while Rachel would focus on killing as many as posible.

Rachel proposed this plan herself because she was level 4 while they were level 1. Rachel wanted to use this opportunity to level the two but didnt want to get them killed in the process.

Arriveing infront of the cave they could already hear the screeching from time to time so they put on their earmuffs and proceeded inside.

Walking into the cave they could see that there was a dim light comeing from vines that lined the walls. As they walked down the damp corridor you couldnt see far but it was enough so fighting would be possible.

Touching a vine that lined the wall he found out that it was infact a Blue Vine. He could of probabaly guessed that as they were blue but he didnt want to assume just because they were blue and a vine.

Noticeing that the pathway split they decided to stick to the right for now. Blocking the left pathway with mana strings they continued. Getting surounding would be the worse case scenario so they agreed apon this method beforehand.

Slowly as they progress the sound of chewing could be heard but they were wearing noise canceling earmuffs so until they were apon the scene of a bat the size of a wolf that was chewing on the body of what once was a human, did they realize what they were walking into.

The pitch black Echo Bat had small legs and a long body. The long bat like wings had small claws at the end holding the human body up to its laughably small head. The fangs on it though would make even the most veteran adventures scream in fear of getting impaled by such spike like objects.

None of them screamed but instead got into position to intiate a sneak attack. Creating Mana Strings on the tip of his fingers he proceeded to swipe his hand in the direction on the Echo Bat. Rianna did the same thing from the opposite side of the Echo Bat to creat a counter force to trap it in place.

As the strings wrapped around the Echo Bat useing Mana Manipulation to control were they went, Rachel took out her rapier and prepared to strike as soon as the Mana Strings were tightly wrapped around the Echo Bat.

Feeling a sense of incomeing doom the Echo Bat screeched but it was for not as the sound wouldnt reach its foes ears thanks to the fluffy earmuffs they were wairing.

Pulling there arms back and takeing there free hand, they grabed the strings and pulled with everything they had. The flesh on the Echo Bat visibly flexed inword and the wings of the Echo Bat had a audible cracking sound as they were crumpled like paper into it's body. Rachel took this scene as her cue to start her assault by preforming three strikes in rappid succession. Each strike aimed for its small head that also was its only weak spot.

Three small holes appeared in the Echo Bats head and it fell limp in Rianna and Silvers grasps.

None of them celibrated though as the Echo Bat had managed to screech and that would let its bretherin know of incomeing danger and because of that reinforcements will come, meaning this is were the real danger starts.

It wasn't long until two more figures could be seen flying twords them so Silver took out his dagger and used Mana strings to try and bind one of them long enough to get a hit in.

Rianna could see what he was doing so she also focused on restraining the same one that he was focusing on.

The Echo Bats were fast and were apon them in no time at all. Thankfully they could only see with echolocation do to haveing no eyes so Rianna's and his Mana Strings were hard to detect for them.

Throwing his dagger at the Echo Bat he had his sights on since the beginning. He pulled the Mana Strings with his left and right arm like he did before.

As he pulled the strings the Echo Bat tryed to dodge by flying higher but Riannas Mana strings held him in place long enough for the dagger to lodge itself into the Echo Bats head.

The dagger didnt go in far enough to kill the Echo Bat and it must of decided that it wanted to kill Rianna who was closer to it because it started into a nose dive aiming right at her. Seeing this Silver pulled as hard as he could on the Mana String in hope of changing its trajectory.

Holding the Mana strings with everything he had. The Dive the Echo Bat went into sent it strait into the cave floor. As the Echo Bat went head first into the floor, it started driveing the dagger further into its head and inevitably ended up killing it.

While all this was happening Rachel was swiftly dodging left and right avoiding the second Echo Bats dives and swipes. When the Echo Bat dived and missed, Rachel would counter attack but the attack would only graze the Bats head or wings. When her attacks hit, the Echo Bat would try to swipe at her but it would miss thanks to how flexible she could be.

It would eventually die but they needed efficient kills as the longer they take the more were sure to come thanks to the commotion.

About to strike one more time a set of Mana strings wrapped around the Echo Bat and it fell strait into the ground.

Squirming the Echo Bat was about to break the strings holding it but Rachel took this opportunity to strike it 3 times in the head just like the first one she killed.

Not even watching the Echo Bat go limp Rachel looked at were Rianna and Silver were to see if the Echo Bat they were dealing with was killed. Seeing that Rianna was looking at her and that the Bat had impaled itself onto Silvers dagger she signaled for the two to follow her.

Grabbing his dagger he followed her and so did Rianna. They were headed back out the cave so they could take a breather. It wasnt that Rachel needed one but Rianna and himself looked like they needed one.

The fights they had didnt last more than five minutes all together but do to them being level one , the level five Echo Bats took more mana to hold with Mana Strings.

They were both sitting at half their mana and didnt want to waist the Mana Potions so takeing a break would be a good call.