Lucas stares at the little cute dumpling sitting on his mother's lap.

Adrian was also staring at him intently and waving his hand as if calling Lucas.

Both Alex and Olivia laugh at their antics.

" Look, Adrian seems happy to meet Lucas, Adrian he is your little brother so you should love and protect Lucas ok," Alex said looking at Adrian who was in Olivia's lap.

" What elder brother, Adrian is only older than Lucas by 30 seconds so don't make him take too much responsibility," Olivia scolds Alex for her unreasonable words.

" Lucas you two are of the same age so don't bother listening to your auntie Alex, you two should support each other ok," Olivia instruct her son with a loving smile on her face.

Lucas also thought so, they were born in the same year, same month, same day and at the same minute so this half a minute time won't make them older or younger than one another but only Lucas knew how this half a minute will impact his whole life.

Alex laugh at Olivia and said with mischief," Wait till they become old and you would know how this 30-sec gap between them will cause them to bicker nonstop."

And Alex wouldn't have been more right about this.

Adrian will nonstop impose on Lucas life saying he was the older one and he should take care of Lucas.

Lucas like this brother Adrian who he was meeting for the first time.

Adrian was cute and cuddly and since Lucas always wanted to have a younger brother he was happy to play with Adrian.

Even if Adrian was older than him by half a minute physically but mentally Lucas was older by 17 years so he didn't mind playing the role of an elder brother.

Alex and Olivia talked with each other when Eugene entered with Hawk whose hands were full of gifts for Lucas.

When Olivia sees a handful of gifts, she angrily looks at Alex and Hawk.

" Why did you bring so much?" Olivia asked them.

" Oi! it isn't for you but my darling Lucas so why are you complaining huh look how happy is Lucas" Alex righteously said showing happy Lucas sitting in her arms.

Lucas was truly happy, these gifts and attitude shows their love and thoughtfulness towards him.

" This boy, why are you happy hmm, are you trying to open a shop of toys for yourself," Olivia playfully asked as she softly pinch her son's cheek.

" You just wait I will also buy lots of toys for Adrian," Olivia announce looking at smiling Adrian who was peacefully sitting on her lap.

" Yeah yeah do as you wish," Alex shrug her shoulder as she smugly said to her friend.

Hawk and Eugene let their wife bicker and went to Lucas's room to sort the gifts.

Adrian began to yawn so did Lucas.

When both moms saw that their sons were tired they place them in the crib.

Since Alex didn't bring her son's crib she put him in Lucas's crib with Lucas.

Lucas's crib was big enough to fit two small children so it wasn't a problem.

As soon as both were laid inside the crib they drift to sleep.

Alex and Olivia smile as they found them endearing.

Both Lucas and Adrian were their 1st child so they were very fond of them.

It may sound questionable, but 1st child always has a soft corner in their parents' hearts since they were the ones who made parents realise their maternal and paternal love.


Lucas was eating his pizza which he hasn't eaten since he was reborn but out of the blue, he was hit by some slimy creature.

This slimy creature not only sticks to his cheek but also starts to suck his cheek.

Lucas was startled.

He found that it was all but a dream.

However, once he woke up he find a small koala attached to him.

The baby koala named Adrian was not only clinging to him but he was also sucking his cheek with a devious smile on his face.

The devious smile was only Lucas's imagination, did he think all people get a chance to get reborn or what.

Lucas tried to push this small molester but he overestimated his own strength.

How could a small child push the baby who was clinging to him so hard even for an adult it would be hard.

When Alex cooed when she saw Adrian clinging to Lucas and Lucas 'hugging' Adrian.

" Look, Olivia how lovely they look together, aww if only Adrian could marry Lucas," Alex called Olivia over and sigh at her thought of their marriage.

Lucas was so shocked that he even forgot to push a small koala to attach to him.

" You know Alex, Let's leave this decision to them, if we force them to have an attachment to one another, they will only drift apart," Olivia explained.

" Umm I know but they will look together if they ever get together," Alex smiled as she imagines their grown self.

But what she didn't know was she has left a deep shadow in Lucas life as he vow to never associate him with her son.

However, to his dismay, it will be very difficult.

Adrian laugh as kissed Lucas once more as if he understand what his mother was saying.

" This molester! get away from me," Lucas alarmingly cried.

Though it sound as if he was laughing with Adrian to his mother.

" Look, Olivia, it seems they are both agree with me," Alex happily said when she saw Lucas and Adrian 'laughing.

" As if!" Lucas yelled angrily.

However, nobody understands his inner turmoil.