Adrian quickly locked the door as they enter Lucas room.

Lucas didn't give it a thought as he has the habit of locking the door.

He opened his suitcase and take out his pyjamas and went bathroom to shower and change.

After 5 minutes or so Lucas came out and asked Adrian to change.

Adrian nod in agreement.

You don't have to guess to know Adrian had already placed his luggage in Lucas's room.

Lucas didn't even ask him about his clothes as he knew how shameless Adrian could be.

When Adrian came out he saw that two quilts are in the bed which surely displeasure him.

Lucas knew this will make Adrian sad and even caused him to throw tantrums so he simply closed his eyes, out of sight out of mind.

But he had underestimated the shamelessness of Adrian as he simply ignores the extra quilt cause he slip inside Lucas's quilt and hug him from behind.

" Why don't you use your own quilt," Lucas irritably asked but he didn't push Adrian off him.

" I am cold and you know it will end up like this so why would you have to do unnecessary things?" Adrian gives an excuse for Lucas.

Adrian knew if didn't give an excuse to save face for Lucas then Lucas would really kick him out.

Lucas only "hmm" and didn't reply much cause he knew Adria was right.

They have known each other since they were in diapers and they always sleep together whenever they have a sleepover at each other home so these all 'you can sleep and can't' are the rituals they do every time.

It's have been like this since they were 1-year-old snd they would be like this for years to come.

They didn't talk much and soon fall asleep but you could see Lucas's hand was soon placed upon Adrian's hand which was hugging him.

It's was always like this and will always be like this.


The next day they all went to try local delicacies and to the beach to play.

They did a barbecue party since they didn't bring any helpers they did all the work themselves which was a noble experience for children except Lucas who was alone in his past life.

But he did enjoy spending time with so many people who are close to him.

For adults too it has been such a long time since they enjoy like this.

" I think it is the first party we had with just us after we had our family," Hunter emotionally said as remembered their youth.

Eugene, Hawk and Hunter are childhood friends and have spent most of their youth partying but it all stops after they become heads of their respective families.

" Umm, we should often do this," Hawk nodded in agreement.

" Should we arrange this kind outing at least once a year or two," Eugene suggested.

" Yes, dad it will be great," Hayden excitedly interrupt them.

Everyone agreed.

It was nice spending time like this so everyone was excited to continue this outing in the following years.

It was the last day of their vacation so they decided to play till they couldn't move.

Olivia, Alex and Alina with two cute princesses Luna and Amelia went shopping.

They went to the roadside stalls.

Here nobody knows them so they could act freely and be as shameless as they could be.

They have travelled a lot and has also bargained a lot.

Don't think that rich people won't do something like bargaining, it's your misconception cause they like to do these small petty things.

They always have to maintain their elegance and act sophisticated and have to be the fashion icon for those who follow them so when they have this freedom they will act like an ordinary person.

While women are shopping and browsing the stalls, men went fishing.

Hunter, Hawk, and Eugene brought their sons to the nearby lake which is known for its fish.

They wanted to relax and teach their sons to have patience in every condition.

To catch a fish one has to be calm, patient and determined.

They search for a quiet place to start the journey of being calm which Hayden surely fail.

Hayden has always been a fun-loving and active person so it was hard for him to stay at a place and catch a fish.

" Brother Lucas, Brother Adrian let's go and play," Hayden whines.

" Be good and sit, don't disturb your brothers," Hunter scold his son.

Hayden pout but quietly obey his father.

As for Adrian, he follows Lucas and calmly sits beside him.

After 2 hours of silence, Eugene finally caught a fish after the first fish was caught as if the secret door was opened, the group frequently caught fish.

As for Hayden, he was in the dream land.

He has long fallen asleep with a fishing line in his hand.

" Aaah! Dad help me!" Hayden suddenly cried.

Everybody look up only to see Hayden being dragged.

It just happen that a big fish finally ate the bait of Hayden's fishing line but Hayden was asleep so he didn't notice and now the fish is dragging him to the lake.

Thankfully he immediately woke up otherwise it would have been quite dangerous.

Hunter rushes up to his son side and took the fishing line in his hand and beautifully catches the fish.

" You idiot! if you couldn't catch it, you should have just let go of it," Hunter furiously scold his son.

" Oh, I forgot," Hayden sheepishly looked and stuck his tongue out.

At last, it seems lazy Hayden caught the biggest fish.

Hayden was proud as he told everyone of his brave adventure.

" Idiot," Adrian roll his eye at this friend of his.

At night they made many dishes of fish and set some aside to take home.

Mothers also show them, their bounty.

The things they shop for range from tableware, jewellery, home decorations to clothes and everything was brought from stalls.

With this, their outing ended.

The next day everyone went to their respective home and work.