Lucas and Luna soon return from their morning jogging then directly go to their room to freshen up.

Lucas change into his high school uniform.

Since the new class start in mid-august, it is still at the end of summer so he was wearing a white shirt and black pants, a black-tie around his neck. He has a thin blue summer coat over his white shirt.

He had accessorised himself with his silver watch in his left hand, a blue stud on his right ear which brings out his fair skin colour and a pen on his coat's chest pocket.

He had his hair in slicked black hairstyles and with gold-rimmed glasses on his nose, he looked like an intellectual person.

He had a solemn face.

He looked like a person who was ready to attend a meeting rather than a teenager going to school.

When he walked down the stairs, he saw his family waiting for him at the dining table.

Olivia notices his son and urged him to sit, " Come, look mother has specially made your favourite food for you."

Lucas greet everyone with a smile then sit silently looking at his overjoyed family.

Olivia was happy to see his smile.

She was quite worried about his son, he seems like a straightforward person at first look but he tends to suppress his thoughts and will try to do everything by himself.

She is quite thankful at least he smiles in their presence as per others if they don't freeze by his gaze once he spoke his sharp attitude surely do.

Sometimes she thinks, that her and Eugene's temperamental attitude has been inherited by him. One of their temperament was enough to shake capital and now both of there has been inherited by her son.

It's quite dangerous.

Olivia sighs, thankfully, he behaved normally in their presence.

The author (shakes head)-As if she was herself normal,

She seems to forget her entire family known as ice kings and queens.

Olivia serves her son's favourite foods.

Lucas prefers to drink soup and porridge for breakfast, so Olivia has especially made sweet and sour fish soup and shrimp porridge for him.

Lucas quietly thank her.

They quietly discuss share their plan for today and eat food.

Others may find this rude or uncivilised and some even disbelieved seeing them talking at the dinner table as it was quite looked down upon eating like this but their family love this.

Since Eugene and Olivia have their own work and both Luna and Lucas also has their school or work to attend so they would have little time to talk and have family bonding time hence nobody frown upon you if you speak at the dining table.

But they should first finish the food in their mouth and only then talk as nobody wanted to be drowned on in other's food even if they are your own family.

Their family has a special rule to at least have breakfast in each other presence since dinner could be quite difficult/hard.

" Son, have you packed all your things," Olivia worriedly asked.

" Umm, mom..." Lucas hesitantly looked at his mother as if he wants to ask something.

" Don't even think about it," Eugene narrowed his eyes as he warned his son.

" Mom is it necessary for me to attend high school, I have already finished my doctorate so why bother with a high school" Lucas reasoned with his mother giving his best puppy eyes, entirely ignoring his father's warning.

Everyone in the family knows who is in charge of the family, so bother with his dad.

Now, Olivia was having a hard time, she wants his son to experience normal high school life but if the person himself doesn't want to then it is really not good to force him.

Eugene understood, his wife was hesitating but if she wants Lucas to have at least some friends and to come out of his comfort zone then she has to harden her heart and make a decision.

" He is coming back," Eugene whispers in Olivia's ear.

Olivia was given a start, she looked at Eugene for affirmation.

Olivia knew if he is coming back then it would be best for Lucas to attend High school.

" Lucas, you have already missed so much of your childhood time so I want you to at least experience your high school life, can't you do this for your mother," Olivia sadly asked, she looked so glum and miserable.

Olivia knew if she didn't do this then Lucas would never agree and would only find an excuse to not attend the school every now and then.

Lucas stiffly nods in agreement.

How could he forget that his mother is more of an actor than him?

Lucas sighs and gets ready to leave.

He would communicate from home but he had also reserved a room for easy access, in his school dormitory.

Unfortunately, as per school rules, he had to share his room with another person.

So he had a roommate.

He was uncomfortable with this rule and even tried to negotiate but the school administration worried if a single person living in a room get sick or had an accident at night, the student may suffer from an irreversible accident or something more so, at last, he had to agree.

" Mom, Dad I will return early, let's go, Luna," Lucas bid bye and urged Luna to hurry.

Olivia waves her hand in dismissal as she murmurs with Eugene about god knows what.

Luna will start her first year in middle school and since the school has an elevation system from grade school to university level, both brother and sister are in the same school but different buildings.

" Wait a minute bro, I had to get my bag," saying that Luna went upstairs.

Lucas helplessly sighs while he sits on the couch and waits for her.

Suddenly Lucas's phone rings.

He took out his phone only to an unknown number calling him.

Lucas hung the call but it continues to ring, he was annoyed with continuous phone calls.

Lucas angrily picks up the phone.