" I was sorry, at that time I truly felt that what I did was right. I was just trying to make sure you didn't worry and be happy wherever you were but when today you said you would do the same to me and won't tell me when you get hurt or have troubles, only then did I know, I was wrong that I made you more worried than I intended to, I know my mistakes, so plz forgive me, brother," Adrian apologist in a small voice but it was enough for Lucas to hear him loud and clear.

Lucas's heart aches for Adrian.

Nonetheless, when Adrian didn't tell him about his injury and hide it from him, he was angry at Adrian's selfishness but he also understood if he was in Adrian's place he might have also tried to hide it from him so now that Adrian was asking for forgiveness and crying he was truly unhappy and angry at himself for not being considerate and tried to understand Adrian's point but that also didn't mean he would completely forget the event.

" It's ok, this time I forgive you," Lucas soothingly rub Adrian's back to comfort him and slowly hold Adrian's face which was placed in the nook of his shoulder and looked straight at Adrian's red eyes which were filled with tears.

One could forgive the wounds given by their dear ones but it is hard to completely forget. It would ache when you are vulnerable and remind you that it wasn't the first time your dear one had hurt you.

" But I haven't forgotten that when you needed me the most I wasn't there with you and it was you who have pushed me and built the wall around you," Adrian's eyes tremble when he heard Lucas words.

Adrian knew those calm eyes of Lucas contain sadness and grievances.

" Nevertheless, it was understandable, who are we to each other? We were just childhood friends moreover those who were separated for 10 years. Even a child of 5 years old separated from his parents and didn't have proper contact then even they would feel strain in their relationship so it was quite comprehensible when you didn't contact me in your difficult time," Lucas calmly stated but Adrian notices the redness at the corner of Lucas's eyes and the sadness in his calm voice.

Adrian felt distressed and had a sense of crisis, he knew if he didn't make Lucas understand his feelings today then it would be difficult to mend their relationship and he would have to forget the promotion he had been hoping to get from Lucas too.

Adrian quickly loops his hand around Lucas's waist and pull him in his arms, " what nonsense are you spouting huh, your thought would work on normal people with normal relationship, don't forget that we have been together since our birth, our clothes, our food, our room even the brand of our pencils to watch has been same since we began to understand the world and before we knew who we were so don't even mention 10 years if we separate for a lifetime I would never forget you."

Adrian was stern with his word but his voice was gentle as he coax Lucas.

" At that time, I acted self righteously and made you worry, I would never do it and if I did you can punish me however you like plz only this time forgive me, my dear brother, won't you forgive your cute elder brother," Adrian again beg for mercy.

Adrian worriedly look at Lucas who had placed his head on his(Ad) chest, they were almost of the same height so this position was a bit awkward but it seems Lucas didn't notice it.

Lucas could hear the fast beat of Adrian's heart. No matter how calm Adrian's voice was his pace of heart could tell Lucas how nervous and worried he was about Lucas assurance.

" Ok, I would sincerely forgive you but Adrian to forget that you have wounded me would be hard. However, I would try and you have to promise it won't happen again," Lucas move his head from Adrian's chest and solemnly looking at Adrian's eyes, he asked for a promise to never hide anything again.

" Ok, I know I messed up and it would be difficult for you to forget it but I would do my best, the day we were meant to meet after a long separation only become the day I didn't fulfil my promise but from this, I would never break the promises I made to you as long as I am alive and if for some reason I couldn't, you would be the first one to know the reason, Let's start a new ok" Adrian happily promised and requested Lucas to start fresh.

' I would give so many happy memories that you would have no time to remember the sad times' Adrian vow to never make Lucas sad again.

Lucas nodded and give Adrian a big hug.

" And I am the elder one, not you," Lucas shamelessly declared.

Adrian was confused about what Lucas was talking about when he suddenly remembered how he told Lucas to forgive his elder brother.

" You know, mom told me who was the first one," Adrian teasingly looked at the person who was happily sitting on his lap who was shooting him a glare.

" No matter what auntie Alex said, I am the elder one," Lucas straighten his back and shamelessly declared.

" Ok, ok, you are the elder one, my cute elder brother Lucas," Adrian pinched Lucas's nose scarcely while he teased him.

" You.....you are still a rascal," Lucas pushed Adrian while scolding him.

But he seems to forget that, Adrian's hand was still looped around his waist so when he pushed Adrian, he was pulled too.

Lucas fell atop of Adrian, they were so close that they could feel each other breath across their faces.

Their breath ragged and both were startled and confused.

Till then they didn't notice how ambiguous their posture was but now, Lucas fell the heat rise from his back where Adrian was holding him toward his neck and face.

Lucas fell the places where he was in contact with Adrian fell hot and for Adrian who has earned for Lucas for such a long time felt he was on fire and his desire for the person on top of him gradually welled up.

Just as Adrian was about to lose his composure, Lucas quickly stood up from Adrian's arms.

" Ok, from today we will start fresh and mend our relationship to become best of friends," Adrian calmly said while making Lucas sit on his bed.

Lucas also soon calm his heart down and began to exchange the experience he had for 10years.