It was already time 10 p.m., they had just ended their evening self-study and it was finally time to rest after a long day.

Lucas, Adrian, Sebastian, Grace and Hayden walk together to their dorm building which was about a 20-minute walk from their class building. It was quite exhausting if you think properly. Maybe It's the downside of having a big school.

All the lamps in the Academy were lights on and there was no place with a dark corner. The security within the Academy was so tight even small moments could be monitored so it's not a problem even if they have to walk for half an hour or more.

On the way, Lucas told Hayden what happen with George at class and his invitation to Joey's birthday which just happen to be celebrated tomorrow.

All Hayden and Lucas both know, Joey's birthday was last week and it was postponed cause at that time middle school had their monthly test so they planned to celebrate after finishing it but why did they have to celebrate it the day before their monthly test.

If you asked how they knew when was Joey's birthday it's because she announced to the whole middle school about angry and sad she was about not being able to celebrate her precious birthday. So their sister's got to know and finally, it reach their ear.

Hayden was unhappy with this development but what confused him the most was just how did that George recognizes his brother Lucas?

Brother Lucas has forbidden his photo to be taken and for the last 1 year, he didn't even meet with his aunt Maria and her family.

He couldn't help but ask.

" Brother Lucas, how did George recognize you? As much as I remember, you had forbidden anybody to spread your photo in the circle," Hayden confusedly asked the question. His light blue eyes were full of confusion and with pouty lips, he looked kind of adorable tempting people to pinch his cheeks.

But everyone who knew wouldn't dare while he look nerdy and innocent if you pisses him off then he was just like his brothers- dangerous.

Lucas sighs thinking about that day while rubbing his temples in annoyance.

Everyone looked at him even Adrian was curious to know the answer.

He and Hayden both know, how he didn't like to socialize with his cousins and would be happy to not have any contact with him at all so how did George find him was a mystery to them.

And without his consent, it was hard to find his photo and meet even for his own Aunt's family and before coming to the Academy no one has ever seen his face properly even now some students doubt his identity.

" Well, you all know how I had a serious ' heart to heart talk' with that one guy who seems to have his head in gutter," as soon as Lucas mentioned that day Adrian's gentle look vanished replaced with a dark face.

As for the other three, they shuddered when they remember that day.

How could they forget that day, it has just been 3 days since the class started and that day just happen to be when twins have decided to join Lucas and team for the lunch.

Hayden also came to the Elite class to get to know the twins and walk together to the canteen to grab lunch.

Just when they were about to walk out of the class, some fool from Ace class come to the Elite class with a bouquet of red roses, he walk towards where they were.

The young boy look full of confidence as he walks.

Hayden knew that fool, he was named Faran Abdul Khan and was from the royal family of the Y country. He was basically a prince. He was surprised but what surprised them more was, he walked towards them and kneeled before Lucas and handed him the bouquet of roses in his hand to Lucas.

Everyone in the class was astonished but they also thought it wasn't surprising.

Despite not having a feminine look, Lucas was charming. He could charm both females and males. He was handsome and seductive. If not for his cold temperament many would have proposed. His black hair and those honey glazed eyes which shines whenever his temper changes were his trademark.

However, at that time what others didn't notice was the dark eyes of the beast who was infuriated at the person who dared to confess to his self-proclaimed mate/beloved.

Adrian was just about to kick that ba***d but was stopped by Lucas warning gaze. Only Adrian knew how he control his temper that day.

Lucas looked at Faran with a blank face making Faran slightly frown.

" Lucas, I like you would you be my boyfriend," Faran confess with a gentle smile and love brimming in his eyes.

Everyone in the class began to coo and urge Lucas to accept.

" Sorry, I don't like you and I don't plan to be in a relationship," Lucas openly rejected. He didn't know whether he was gay, straight, bi or anything. At that time he didn't have feelings for the person who was confessing to him and he didn't even have the plan for getting into the relationship. So he curtly rejected which wouldn't give any unnecessary thought to the person in front of him.

It was best for both of them.

Faran was furious at Lucas rejection of his confession. He was Prince of a country and was never treated like that before in his life. He had gotten whatever he desires before he open his mouth and that day Lucas bruised his ego. He stood up and brush off the non-existent dust off his pants.

Faran didn't like this ending a bit. When he confessed, Lucas just had to happily accept and feel privileged then he should have run to his arms.

Faran was flustered and felt embarrassed.

" You ladyboy, this prince took a fancy to you even kneeled to confess you with a thought of making you my favourite consort and you refused me, you don't know who I am! or do you think highly of yourself. I could make your life a living hell if didn't accept my proposal, think carefully, I would forget what you have just said if you crawl in front of me and beg to take you back. " Faran berates Lucas then he had the arrogance to threaten Lucas looking so high and mighty.

" Heh!" Lucas snorted making the whole class tremble. They didn't know but they could feel murderous intent surrounding the whole class.

Faran called Lucas a ladyboy which surprised everyone because Lucas was far from being feminine. He was charming and handsome. His cold temperament, lean body with the proper amount of muscle shows his masculinity whereas his eyes and hair shows his charm and that blue piercing in his right ear, his golden rimmed glasses highlighted his personality of dominant prince aura so they were confused by Faran ladyboy tag to Lucas.

Faran felt his leg weaken from the simple look of Lucas.

Adrian and Hayden both were beyond furious as for twins they were angry too.

" You are just a mere prince who can't even handle a single rejection and you came here to confess to ME without knowing me and my background, If I, Lucas Evans want then with a snap of my finger I could even own a bunch of countries and here you think I would be happy being a favourite consort of a side branched prince, even king and the crown prince of your country have to show respect to me and my name, you Ignorant fool!" Lucas looked down upon the fool who thinks the whole world revolves around him just because he was a prince.

If you don't like someone then you don't like, feelings can't be forced upon. It can be like someone but don't hinder there like you are already rejected. This fool thought because he was a prince he could do anything.

" Heh! how utterly foolish," Lucas was enraged at the fool who dared to think of making him a consort.

Hayden didn't know how he got the guts of confessing to his brother with that attitude of his.

Faran was mad and lost his rationality when he heard those humiliating words from a ladyboy. He rushes forward to punch Lucas straight to his face.

" Not his face!" many girls and boys simultaneously cried.

But before Faran could punch him, Lucas straightly kicked him in his stomach with great force, making Faran fly for a sec and landed him in the ground with a THUD!

Both Adrian and Lucas were relaxed cause they know Lucas could handle it.

The basic training they had to do in the early training days was self-defence.

All three of them are proficient in taekwondo, karate and other martial arts, Lucas has never slacked off and continue to do his training regime so how could someone easily punch him.

Everyone was silent.

From that day Lucas was named a great buddha. His one kick was enough to send a person flying 2 metres away if anyone got 2 or three kicks then it was enough to die.

After that, it was heard that Faran was sent to hospital and had to get rest for a week. He file a complaint against Lucas but instead he was suspended for a week for causing trouble. As for Lucas, he had to write a reflection letter but it was just a formality and he didn't have to get punished for self-defence.

"You see, the weekend of that week I went to my grandparents home to have Lunch as per my usual, but unfortunately later that day George and Joey also came to visit grandpa so like that my cover was blown," Lucas dispiritedly talked bringing everyone out of the memory of that day.

" Oh!" Hayden simply nodded.