As soon as Lucas and co. enter the party they were surrounded by soothing music.

The party was in full swing. Many children from respected families could be seen inside.

Lucas could see many heirs and heiresses attending it. After all, Jones are the A grade family and in-laws of the Evans.

But in these 10 years, their position has slightly changed. They had to face many disasters and if not for the support of his family they would have already lost their position in the A grade circle.

They were thinly hanging on the rope and don't have much say in the social gathering between A-grade families but having in-laws Evans as strong backing, others Agrade families have to give them enough face as for B grade families and lower ones they wouldn't dare offend A grade families even if Jones are in their lowest they are still in a higher position than them.

Lucas doesn't know who cause this downfall of the Jones nevertheless he was happy to see his enemy losing their powers.

Lucas doesn't remember much from the novel as many things are different from what he had read and it's been many years since he was born here as well. He had forgotten to note down the key point from what remembered too. But he subconsciously feels his Aunt and her family are no good so he felt good when heard the many disasters that fell upon Jones and has suffered more loss in the last 10 years.

Lucas and the team gathered much attention as soon as they entered the party. It's not because they were well known in society instead it was all because of their looks and the appearance of Luna and Amelia.

" Who are these people?"

" Did you see? Luna and Amelia are with them,"

" Why did Luna and Amelia come here?"

"Don't you know? Jones and Evans are in-laws,"

" Are you kidding!"

Many chatters could be heard behind them.

Everyone knew Luna and Amelia were the only daughters of the Evans and Jonesons. They are highly regarded in the children's social circle. They were not only known for their background but for their intelligence and aloofness.

Luna was on the chubby side until last year but ever since Lucas came she has joined him during his jogging which helps her to maintain her weight and now she looks so adorable and cute whereas Amelia was known as the most beautiful girl in the entire middle school.

Luna hasn't lost her baby fat on her face so she remains cutie pie which only makes her family adore her more. Especially Lucas who was addicted to pinching her cheeks.

Despite being from powerful families they were hated too. Especially because they have a strong family background. It's just that Luna and Amelia were used to people's judgemental eyes and they don't give a damn what others think about them.

Some girls admired them, others are jealous of what they had as for boys some were opportunists and others respected their background, as for remaining ones don't have any opinion.

In a few more years, they would be even more criticized, admired and respected than now as they would be the new leading figures for ladies. From their body shape, weight, smile, clothes, food to many other things that would be noted and pointed out by the public.

So from childhood days, they were taught to act like a perfectionist. Not to be a total perfectionist but act like one.

From their childhood, their families taught them to act. For you to be successful in this 'strong eat weak' world first you have to know how to act in front of others.

Lucas could still remember how his grandpa used to tell him that to survive in this world, it doesn't matter if you are truly intelligent or not but if you could at least bluff and act as an intelligent person then your competitor would think twice before acting against you.

He was taught to act perfectly in front of others so others couldn't distinguish who was the real Lucas.

And he knew many of the children in this party were taught that too. It's only that some could act perfectly and some still couldn't and thinks they had fooled others but the one being fool didn't even notice.

Lucas didn't think much about these messy things instead he lead his team to the birthday girl.

They didn't give any thoughts or even a look at those who are looking at them like a hawk and trying to pry their relationship with Jones, Evans, Hemsworth and Jonesons.

" Cousin!" Joey happily exclaimed when she notices Lucas. She hugged Lucas affectionately.

" COUSIN!" everyone at the party was shocked but soon some boldly guesses their identities.

" Could he be the one and only heir of the Evans?"

" That's quite the possibility,"

Many of them had already guessed Lucas identity. They are eager to make friends with him. If they could become his friends now when another party was still small and unguarded then they will be highly benefitted. Many people at the party began to think of a way to befriend Lucas.

If the students from the Elite class were present here they would have laughed at these people's thoughts.

Thinking of luring and coaxing the great buddha of their class was simply a display of a foolish person.

But too bad they were busy preparing for tomorrows Monthly assessments.

" Happy birthday Joey," smiling gently Lucas returned her hug by patting her back then he handed her the gift. He handed her a pink square box.

" It seems the relationship between Joey and her cousin is good,"

" Wow, he is so gentle and kind,"

" No, I heard he is quite cold-hearted and poker-face. It's only in front of his family and close friends do he smiles,"

" That means he treats his aunt's family as his own," everyone once again began to stipulate about the depth of their relationship.

Only time will tell them how right they were.

Let's return to the main focus.

" Can I open it?" Joey excitedly asked. Her eyes were twinkling as she ask for permission.

Everyone present at the party was also curious to know what was inside.

" How could you be so misbehaving huh," Maria scolded her daughter but one couldn't didn't any anger in her voice only happiness and love.

" Aunt, It's ok, let my cousin see and fulfil her curiosity but cousin you can't be dissatisfied after looking at the gift ok," Lucas smiled and agreed to fulfil his cousin wish even joking with her.

" Cousin you are the best, look mom now that cousin agrees you can't scold for misbehaving," Joey triumphantly look at Maria and began to unbox the gift.

Joey slowly open the box but was confused when seeing another square box inside but it just has a button in it.

Joey confusedly looks at Lucas.

Lucas laugh and said," Are you disappointed now?"

Joey smiled flatter her lips were pursed and looked sad and humiliated. She forced herself to squeeze out a smile and said thank you for the gift.

"Brother don't bully my cousin! Cousin Joey, you have to press the button to get your present," Luna scold her brother for making Joey sad and kindly help Joey to get the present.

Hayden, Adrian, Sebastian and Grace shook their head in helplessness.

Lucas sometimes gets mischievous and love to pranked others. They have been the target of his pranks many times.

" Sorry cousin, don't get mad ok, Come on open it and I guarantee you won't be disappointed this time," Lucas apologise and encourage Joey to open her gift.