Hayden quickly notice Adrian's signal and was about to go to help his brother Lucas but he was stopped by his little sister.

Hayden was confused and didn't understand why his sister was stopping him from helping his brother.

" Let me go, Amelia, It's not time to behave like this," Hayden patiently coax his sister to let him go.

" No brother, we can't interfere, after all, it is a family matter so we can't go and make it hard for brother Lucas," Amelia quietly whisper but it was clearly heard by their friends.

" Yes, your sister is right, Let Lucas handle this. After all, this is a small matter," Grace was in favour of Amelia's suggestion.

" Yes, let him handle it himself Lucas is no herbivore to devour by them and don't be overprotective of him when it is not necessary. If you went there and try to help him, Lucas will surely kick your a** when he returns," Sebastian said looking at not only Hayden but also at the other two who sometimes acts irrationally whenever it involves Lucas.

Adrian, Luna and Hayden reluctantly nodded their head.

They are actually not far from Lucas only four steps behind him so Lucas could hear them whispering.

Lucas couldn't hear them properly but he still get the gist of their conversation so he was satisfied with their decision.

Lucas didn't want his friends to interfere in this matter after all it is a family matter.

As for his sister she had already done enough when she just took his side.

Seeing Lucas daze and unable to justify his action George and his family was slightly smug.

If Lucas couldn't escape himself from this small matter then all the members of the family will deem him as a loser and incapable person and others will think he is an immature brat who doesn't know small gratitude when delivering others' gifts.

Lucas sighs making all the people straighten their attention towards him.

Just when all of them were waiting for Lucas explanation.

2 people suddenly enter the venue causing an uproar.

Everyone attention was suddenly roped by them.

They were none other than the old master and mistress of the Evan family.

Marcus and Reena have just entered the venue when they notice Lucas in the middle as if he was in some kind of trial. They immediately know something had happened.

" What's happening here, " Marcus asked as he walked up to Lucas, whereas Reena was beside him.

" Umm, t's nothing Grandpa....."

" It's really nothing Grandpa, it's just Lucas....sigh," George didn't Let Lucas finish his sentence he just sighs when he looked at Lucas as if he was helpless with his cousin action.

Marcus was annoyed at George for not letting Lucas explain himself so he looked at Maria for an explanation.

Maria sighs helplessly and helped Lucas to Explain.

" It's nothing Dad, it's just Lucas didn't inform us the gift presented to Joey was sent by his father. He just silently gave Joey the gift and tried to leave and when we asked whether this gift was really presented by him he said he wasn't the only one and the situation ended up like this," Maria was looking kind of powerless and apologetic.

Marcus looked disappointedly at his daughter whereas Reena was confused.

Reena knows her grandson would never do that. Her husband and son were the ones who trained him personally for more than a decade and she, herself knows his personality more than anyone present here.

She was just confused about the way her daughter help Lucas and was slightly disappointed in her.

Lucas has always been selfless and didn't care about those materialistic things and the thing which is closest to his heart has always been his family.

Even when Lucas was a child when visiting them, he would always point out the gift he brought for them.

They had always taught the children of their family that if they give the present to their close ones they should always use their own money, not others so the one receiving present could feel their sincerity.

" There seems to be a misunderstanding?" Reena said as she looks at her favourite grandchild.

Lucas felt his heart soften when his grandma took his side. He knew his grandparents understood him and wouldn't jump on the conclusion just because of others' words.

"Hmm,..." Lucas nodded his head and was about to explain when he was again cut off.

" There is?" Maria asked when she notice Lucas nodding his head in question to Reena's remark.

" If there is why didn't you say it," Maria helplessly asked as if she was disappointed in him for not explaining it properly and was humiliating her knowingly.

" Let him speak him, either you or any other person kept cutting him off so how could he speak for himself huh," Marcus discontentedly look at his daughter.

Ever since she planned to kill her own brother, Marcus has been continuously disappointed in her but he still couldn't harden his heart to punish her severely.

Maria felt humiliated being scolded by Marcus in front of everyone and was about to finally snap out but was stopped by her husband.

"Darling, control your temper, don't ruin your perfect image," Timmothy softly whisper in Maria's ears and secretly rubbed Maria waist to calm her down.

Maria took a deep breath and finally squeeze out her gentle smile.

" Sorry dad, I was just trying to help," Maria drop her head as she apologised to Marcus but Marcus just wave his hand in dismissal.

Maria he was still unhappy cause she didn't apologise to Lucas, she gritted her teeth, took a deep breath and finally apologise to Lucas.

" Sorry Lucas we mistreated you, I was just trying to help you," Maria as she squeeze out a gentle smile and looked apologetic.

" What an actress," Hayden couldn't help mutter earning a look from his friends. He quickly motioned to zip his mouth and pretend to look forward where the play was occurring.

Lucas waves his hand in dismissal," I know aunt. You don't have to apologise. You were only speaking on behalf of me."

Seeing Lucas forgiving her, maria couldn't help thinking Lucas was a moron.

If only she knows how perfectly he knows how much she was trying to help her and how he will return this favour.

" I will surely remember your goodwill and returned it to you with interest," Lucas gently promised, making Maria happy.

" How foolish," Maria snorted thinking his training was in vain if he couldn't even distinguish between goodwill or not.

Marcus was aggrieved seeing his grandson not noticing Maria's intention.

" Now explain the situation," Marcus urged Lucas.

He didn't want many to look disdainfully look at his beloved grandchild because of a small misunderstanding.

" It's nothing serious, Grandpa. When I said it wasn't only made by me, it causes some misunderstanding. It's just that I only funded the project and was the one to design it whereas the AI programming and assembling of the parts were done by my friends," Lucas said as he pointed to the puppy in Joey's hand.

He didn't mention George was the one who first outrightly questioned him instead he said it was him who didn't explain properly ending others' misunderstanding him.

Many know the truth and was surprised that Lucas would give the way out for George making him an understanding cousin.

" Well if my brother wants to play green tea bitch then no one could beat him in that," Luna smugly mutter knowing what his brother trying to do.

After their Grandpa knows the whole truth he would surely criticize George and feel pitiful to her brother.


" He may not be the only one credit to it but the one funding the project was him so generally saying he was the one who owns it,"

" And he still didn't forget to mention his friends,"

" Despite being poker-faced he is a good friend and a good cousin,"

" If I was the one getting criticised for the whole two chapters I would have surely sold out my cousin who cause the problem,"

" Yeah! He is kind,"

Everyone was astonished and felt embarrassed for judging without knowing the full truth.

" Elders do say don't be impatient and listen carefully so you don't make any decision knowing the full truth,"

But Marcus was shocked to see such a life-like puppy in Joey's hand.

You may ask why? and think he was amazed by his grandson's achievement but that's not the whole truth to know why you have to read the next chapter^_^.