Adrian and Lucas got ready and went downstairs to wait for the twins and Hayden.

They want to go to the canteen to have breakfast.

Usually, at this time(5-6 am), they would have PE, however, during the exams period, it isn't compulsory to do so.

And they really don't want to do it for at least today since they are already tired from yesterday party and long drives to reach there and to come back.

However, even if they didn't do their regular exercise they still have to walk for half an hour to reach the canteen from their dorm room.

After a while, the twins and Hayden came down together. they walk to where Adrian and Lucas were standing and went to the canteen.

As soon as they entered they were slightly surprised.

They couldn't still get used to it.

The canteen which would be filled with nonstop noise was silent today. It's not because there is no one in the canteen instead it was full of students.

However, all the students have a spoon in one hand and either book or note in another hand.

You could still hear some murmurs but it's not because they are talking with each other instead it was because they were reciting formulas.

Lucas and his friends silently walk to the elevator. They went to their floor.

They ordered some light food today. Due to nervousness, many tend to get stomach aches and Grace was one of those so to accompany her and to be on the safe side they ate light food.

After eating breakfast Adrian excuse himself and soon return. Lucas was confused but Adrian just smile at him without giving him any explanation.

They leave the canteen for their own classes.

Because of monthly assessment, the environment of the school suddenly become studious.

" I really can't get used to this environment," Hayden couldn't take it anymore.

For the next 3 days, the environment of the school would become so dreadful. Even the students who usually play and ignore class would be found reading this time of the month.

" Well get used to it," Adrain plainly said.

" But it's hard!" Hayden helplessly said.

" Every month the environment of the school become so dark as if they were bracing themselves for some war, not some examinations and that affect my good mood. I really don't understand why they are so nervous after all it's just a test," Hayden really don't understand these students.

What's so frightening about the monthly assessments. It's not as of they will die if they fail or something.

He and his brother agreed to join the school so they could have fun not because they wanted to be in this environment.

But he still likes it here since he gets to be with his brothers and make some memory which they couldn't able to do for the last 10 years.

They soon reach their class building.

Hayden bid bye and wish them the best for their assessments then went to his class since Ace class was just before the Elite class.

Twins, Lucas and Adrian also wished him best then went to their own class.

It was 6 in the morning and their assessments won't start till 9 so they have 2 hours to quietly revise for the remaining 1 hour they have to rearrange the seats.

When it was 8, the teachers finally enter the class and asked students to rearrange the seats.

Each room of the school building was big but since there were only 30 students and they sat in pairs half of the room space are usually left behind during the regular class.

However, during the exam session, those half-empty spaces finally came in handy to maintain the exam discipline.

The headteacher Mr Hudson arrange the student's seats. It took almost an hour to rearrange the seats and for 3 days the students would have to follow these arrangements.

The twin's seats were arranged in another corner of the class.

Adrian's seat was also changed and he was placed at the last desk.

As for lucky Lucas, he didn't have to move his desks at all.

After moving his desk, Adrian walked to Lucas saying," these are for you," he handed him a thermos and a small container.

Lucas was surprised, " When did you get these?"

He has always been with Adrian so when did he get these.

Without looking he knew what was inside the thermos and the container. He was sad when he notice Adrian forget to prepare it today but to his surprise, he didn't forget it.

He did try to play cool but now he knew Adrian didn't forget to prepare the things he was overwhelmed with emotions.

Then suddenly Lucas's eyes widen when he remember Adrian did leave his sight for a minute or so when they were leaving the canteen.

" Did I forget," Lucas couldn't properly utter the sentences. He was overwhelmed.

" How could I forget. If I don't prepare it for you and really forget it I know you would either constantly taunt me about it or sulk in some corner by yourself," Adrian smiled rubbing Lucas's hair.

" Humph! As if! I wouldn't even care! you go, the teacher will soon enter!" Lucas swats his hand and tried to play cool but his red ears and slightly blushed cheeks give him away.

" Ok, do your best," Adrian chuckle. how could his Lucas be so cute ahh!

" You too! now go!" Lucas quietly murmur but it was enough for Adrian to hear him.

Adrian really wish to pinch his cheeks but he knew if he dared to, then his Lucas will surely be angry with him.

But he still did.

He slightly pinch Lucas's cheeks and before Lucas could react he fled.

" You... you!" Lucas couldn't believe Adrian dared to tease him in front of all the Elite class.

Those who saw these could help but be shocked and when they saw the slight red face of Lucas then they thought they saw something wrong.

How could their class great buddha act shy, it must be from anger! Yes, it must be that!

Look Lucas even pointed his finger at Adrian and couldn't even form a sentence in anger!

They refuse to believe he stuttered from embarrassment and shyness!