Despite knowing how their son was only acting, they knew Lucas was hurting too. Being choked like that who won't be hurt huh.

" I will cut his hands for daring to touch and gouge out his eyes which are leering at my son!" Eugene's eyes flashed with darkness.

" Humph! that's for sure babe," hearing Eugene Olivia only nodded in agreement. They dare to touch her son so they should be ready to be punished too.

Other people in the room also nodded their heads in agreement.

" This time was really us being careless. It seems others forget what we can do, to even use such trick against us," a devious smirk hung on Hunter's lips. They dared to touch his wife, it seems they have forgotten who was he.

Alex only saw Lucas on the screen but couldn't find her own son become anxious. No matter how much Adrian made trouble for all, after all, he is her beloved son, 'where the hell is he? Most of the time he is stuck with Lucas but when needed where is my dumb son!'

"Where is my idiot son, why can't I find him?" Alex anxiously asked looking at Hayden.

" This video was projected by brother Adrian's terminal so..," only when she heard Hayden reply did she calm down.

She saw Lucas was finally able to convince the people inside the room, they even willingly spit out the confession proving Alina's innocence.

" Well he is my son-in-law after all," Alex muttered but it was loud enough for all the people in the room to hear.

" NO! don't daydream," Eugene and Luna scoff at her bluntness.

" I am not letting my brother/son marry that pervert/poser!" Luna and Eugene huffed.

Eugene liked Adrian's sophistication but he knew how shrewd and single-minded he is toward his own son which isn't healthy at all. He didn't want to push his own son in this messy relationship. If his son ever loves Adrian then he will consider but for now, it is out of the question when his son didn't have any improper thoughts on their relationship.

What they didn't know was Lucas and Adrian clearly heard their chatter, one was red from embarrassment whereas the other was smug and was even giving thumps up in his heart praising his mother.

' How could Aunt Alex say that! Me and Adrian impossible!' thinking they were talking nonsense Lucas shook his head helplessly, he peeked at Adrian only to see a gentle and indulging smile on his lips. He froze. He knew how annoyed Adrian was the entire time and now seeing him smiling like this his mind went blank.

He only came to his sense when he felt the man above him call him, " Baby..."

' Who hell is your baby...'

Lucas quickly lowered his head and mutter something not letting the man hear him but he knew his message has transmitted clearly.

" Baby are you scared, don't be. Drugs are good," seeing the boy in his arms muttering unrecognisable words and constantly lowering his head, Winston was irritated but thinking how the boy was the key to controlling all the students of one of the best colleges he endure while coaxing the child.

While Winston was thinking of the ways to lure the boy, the people inside the restaurant room preparing themselves to kick his ass.

As soon as Hayden heard, " send help," from his brother Lucas he looked at the adults beside him.

" Brother asked for help!" Hayden's excited voice was clearly and loud heard by them.

" He still knew how to ask for help!" Eugene sneered but you could see a proud look on his face. 'At least he didn't let me down...' He had always taught Lucas to fight till you can and if you can't then it's best to retreat and ask for help if available.

Before entering the restaurant Alex, Olivia and Alina had already made their people evacuate the 8th floor clearly. They can't have people know what happening here so as to not involve innocent bystanders they evacuate the whole floor with proper compensation.

And considering only 1 or 2 stores were not theirs it was easy to convince the owners of those shops with some opportunity and promises.

Now on the 8th floor only they, their support team and those bastards in the opposite store are present.

Their army of personal bodyguards surrounded Alina's Daisy completely while they instructed their children to remain in the restaurant, even leaving 3 bodyguards for their 3 naughty children.

Only then, Adults made their way to the opposite store.

" Let's find who had this much nerve to mess with us," Hunter smiled while cracking his fingers.

' I also want to join!' Hayden, Luna and Amelia were unhappy but they couldn't disobey their parents since they have already made such a mess already.

They slumped on their seat looking at the video.

" Well, let's watch an action movie starring our parents, shall we?" Amelia and Hayden chuckle at her words however they were also excited.

They saw just as Winston was coaxing Lucas to drink the door opened wide making all the people inside alarmed and dumbfounded.

" Who the hell has a death wish!" Winston roared in anger. He let side Lucas while he angrily looks at the door.

" Finally!" saying that Adrian made his way to his beloved like a predator to his prey. He had enough of this and now that his parents are finally here he won't listen to Lucas's nonsense anymore. Now, it's time for his beloved Brother Lucas to know how frustrated and irritated he was.

Seeing Adrian making his way to him with dark eyes for the first time Lucas was scared of his brother.

Adrian walks to him while Lucas walks backwards unconsciously as if he knew it would be the death of him he gets caught by the one walking to him as for Winston and the others they were busy fighting.

" Brother Lucas,"

Shuddering Lucas mutters, " I don't dare to be your brother!"