" Doctor! " a young nurse in her early twenties called out as she ran after a figure. It seems to be the back of the man judging from the strong and slightly broad shoulder.

The figure halted his steps and turned around to look at the person calling him.

" Yes..." a soft voice rang into her ears, making her dizzy.

The young nurse slightly blushed as she looked at the handsome and charming face of the young man. Those glowing hazel eyes adorned with a pair of golden glasses, a slightly pointed nose, sharp cheekbone and those sexy lips, she couldn't bring herself to detach her eyes from the young man's face at all.

She was already a face con and looking at such a fine young man only made her more smitten with him.

" Cough,"

She jolted from her fantasies as she heard the sound of the cough, her face turned red when she saw the questioning look directed towards her.