*there is slight violence in this chapter*

When he found out the one behind the car accident was non-other then Lucas's so-called Aunt Marian.

And the reason behind uncovered many hidden dusted truths.

They were afraid of Lucas and wanted to kill him so as to obliterate the danger in the cradle and be safe and sound for the rest of their life.

When he knew the truth, It was too shocking for Adrian to comprehend. 

He felt his life was tragic and the more he thought the more furious he became at the culprit who caused the accident.

So in the feat of it, he tortured them till they asked for death. He made his people severe both Maria's and Timmothy's limbs and repeatedly made cuts all over their bodies. Torturing them to his heart's content he killed them however when he come to his sense he knew he had done something mindless.