THIS CHAPTER DEDICATED TO: Weesh ( for gifting ice cola and supporting the story)

Robin and Lucas both knew whose voice it was. 

However, Robin didn't want to believe it but he knew even if he didn't want to believe it he knew he can't avoid it.

He knew he was doomed. So before he had the miserable ending he wanted to do his last struggle, he hurriedly took a syringe that was on the table by the bed and stuck it into Lucas's arm.

He did have it there for Lucas in case he(L) didn't surrender to him but he didn't think he would use it like this.

Robin did it in such a swift manner that by the time both Lucas and Adrian understood what had transpired he had already finished.

" Hahaha...if I can't make you mine then don't blame me for pushing you to hell," Robin hysterically laughed.