This chapter is dedicated to Julia_Mrak_2723 for the Golded ticket and supporting this book.💖💕 

The brother and sister don't even glance at Lucas and Adrian as if they aren't of any importance to them.

The woman just stared at Riya with a smile as of she wasn't offended at all but the words she spoke next were noting sweet as her smile. They were poisonous.

" Riya, it seems you didn't put us in your eyes. Well, it is our fault that we didn't come ahead and made you anxious. I hope we were in D country and we were caught up in a work. We are sorry," smiling slightly the woman apologises. She looks benevolent and lovely as she apologises to a mere saleswoman. 

Everyone in the room who has a smart brain knew though the princess look benevolent and as if she wasn't offended she was and if this was D country the fate of the saleswoman would have been the worse.